gavinj77 (@gavinj77)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @gavinj77


    It worked! Thank you guys for your help! I realized I forgot to delete the bb_ files via phpMyAdmin, (from the first time I tried the conversion without the edited file from matiaspunx. I had removed the files via FTP only.

    Thanks again!



    I checked via phpMyAdmin and all my bbPress files start with bb_ . I didn’t change any files from the install. The phpbb3 files all begin with phpbb_



    Thank you for the file. I used the file, (did not edit it at all because I have no idea what I’m doing). I get this error when I try to access the forum

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db279681361.bb_topicmeta’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = 0 AND meta_key = ‘uri’

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/functions.php on line 2271

    Is this a simple error to fix? If not, I’m going to have resolve myself to using phpbb3, (which I don’t want to do of course). Thank you again. I appreciate it.



    Okay….let’s imagine for a minute that I’m 10 years old.

    LOL Can you explain how I would do that? Where do I place addslashes? In phpbbtobbpress.php? If so where? I’m really not good at this. It’s completely Greek to me.



    When I tried to convert my forum, I got this error:

    General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)’ at line 1 [1064]


    INSERT INTO bb_forums (forum_id , forum_name, forum_desc, forum_parent, forum_order, topics, posts) VALUES (’19’, ‘Workout Logs’, ‘Place to log the workouts you do, times, & weights used. (Please do not post on other people’s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)


    FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php

    LINE: 163

    CALL: dbal->sql_error()

    FILE: phpbb3tobbpress.php

    LINE: 201

    CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

    Do you know what the problem might be? Maybe it’s an easy fix, but I’m a novice. Thank you.

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