Its what ive found in my wor2975_usermeta table for my admin user.
212 5 wor2975_capabilities a:2:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;s:13:"bbp_moderator";b:1;}
213 5 wor2975_user_level 10
Hello, so now “Keymaster” is back in the dropdown list but if modify the bbpress role to it nothing happens (Administrator is set). Same thing if i create a new user selecting “Keymaster” role, Administrator is set.
Ive tried to desinstall-reinstall Bbpress, but the problem the problem persists.
I also use Buddypress and a lots of plugins. There was no problems before i deleted that user with the Keymaster role.
In the WP User menu, i can modify the forum roles, but there no “Keymaster” role.
Im an admin, but “keymaster” is no longer available in the roles I can assign.