Thanks. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. Ah well. (I edited my web site in my profile to use that link so I’ll have a link for it on this site. Perhaps I’ll link to it from my BB too.
open /bb-templates/post-form.php
add that line here
‘<?php endif; do_action( ‘post_form_pre_post’ ); ?>
<?php bb_do_action(‘bb_grins’); ?>
<label for=”post_content”><?php _e(‘Post:’); ?>
<textarea name=”post_content” cols=”50″ rows=”8″ id=”post_content” tabindex=”3″></textarea>
Great job. Dropped right in, went right to work.
Oh, man… how embarrassing, I read right past that twice!
I was wondering about that with blockquotes.