Fraternity (@fraternity)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @fraternity


    Just came back to this after a number of months and see there are a few new versions out

    Have group subforums been implemented yet? I couldn’t tell from the release notes.



    @stickfinger: moebis provided his hack above. If you weren’t able to follow his instructions, then it’s probably not a good idea that you try to do this modification, and wait for the official release when the bbPress team get it sorted.

    As both moebis and I have pointed out, there are a few ‘issues’ at trying to force it to do this and that’s probably why the bbPress team have held off on the official release.



    That second codeblock (lines 567-581) should read:

    // Suppress subforums for now
    //add_filter( ‘bbp_get_forum_subforum_count’, ‘__return_false’ );

    // Set up forum data
    bbpress()->current_forum_id = $forum->ID;
    bbp_set_query_name( ‘bbp_single_forum’ ); ?>


    // Remove the subforum suppression filter
    //remove_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_subforum_count', '__return_false' );

    The fact that bbPress doesn't automatically encode text between the code tags I used is a bit of a concern 😀



    moebis – just took a look at this, I may have a more recent version than you use in your fix above.

    Here is how to play with my hack in the latest trunk:

    EDIT: /bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/group.php

    Delete lines 609-614 and add “?>” back to line 609.

    The code I have at these lines is this:

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( ‘form’, ‘topic’ ); ?>

    <?php else : ?>

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( ‘feedback’, ‘no-topics’ ); ?>

    Probably not what I want to comment out. What I did find though is this (lines 567-581):

    // Suppress subforums for now
    add_filter( ‘bbp_get_forum_subforum_count’, ‘__return_false’ );

    // Set up forum data
    bbpress()->current_forum_id = $forum->ID;
    bbp_set_query_name( ‘bbp_single_forum’ ); ?>


    // Remove the subforum suppression filter
    remove_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_subforum_count', '__return_false' );

    Group Subforums

    I highlighted a few things:
    1) Topics are only being displayed from group subforum 2 (believe you mentioned this above). This should be easy enough to fix
    2) I thought I was posting in the Group Forum when I used the default form below, but clearly (as per highlight 3) this is now set to group subforum 2
    3) Default Create New Topic is set to Group Subforum 2. I assume this was the “last retrieved forum” and is probably easy enough to fix. In my case, I’ll probably be changing my group forums to a category anyway, so I don’t actually want people starting new topics from this page.



    Also, sorry to derail a bit, but any comment on scalability of this?

    I currently run three forums, one each for a different capital city in my country, each with around 15 subforums.

    My plan is to combine these into a single site, so each group forum would have 15 subforums – which would be about 45 forums just to replicate what I have now.

    I’d then like to create another 10 or so site forums, so that our members from different cities can discuss general topics. And then I’d like to add more groups – initially I’d be adding 3 more groups, for 3 more cities in my country, which would be another 45 forums.

    That right away takes me up to 106 forums (10 sitewide, 6 group forums and 90 subforums), before I even start expanding the geographic reach of our groups beyond our country’s borders.

    Let’s say I expand into 50 different cities, I’m looking at about 810 subforums (10 sitewide, 50 group forums, 750 subforums).

    John mentions “There are a few technical challenges regarding performance that don’t make it entirely feasible” and I wonder if this was what he was getting at?

    Perhaps I’m posting this in the wrong section.. but figured you’re probably going to run into a similar issue, moebis



    Throwing a post on here to get notified as replies, as this is exactly what I am trying to achieve.

    This bit looks promising: “Good News All!!! Ok…. I have sub forums working in buddypress with a small hack to group.php (in latest trunk of bbpress 2.3)”

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