Sorry if i revive dead threads.
Thanks, exactly the answer i was looking for helped a bunch!
It worked thanks! Sure wouldn’t have suspected that for the future i guess I should use the ispage() option to load it appropiately only for bbpress.

Wouldn’t it be the logical step now to look check inside the DB for which arrays bpress uses so i could append the css file now?
I know i could put these changes inside the style.css simple custom css will do the job and load another css file on top for these changes which could be applicable for my use case.
But I wanna have the files all in the child-theme in case someone else wants to make design adjustments that their visible and accessible on first sight.
Access to a FTP-Server is given and for adjustments on-top of WordPress and their is a Theme-Editor already embedded into WordPress so that seems to be a bit counter-intuitive. As it might confuse admins & content-editors later on to where they input their changes.
CSS is simple to learn and as this is gonna be pure CSS not LESS/SASS i figure it’s best if I had it in a seperate file to view for people.