familylawboard (@familylawboard)

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  • @familylawboard


    Unites States and it’s territories and then one for “international” to start with.. so I’m looking at 57ish. If I get lots of members outside of the US I would eventually split the international section up as well (I don’t necessarily foresee this). I’m looking into doing what I need with s2member conditionals now. I’ll have to have people choose their state, then generate different paypal buttons for each one so they’ll get a proper s2member conditional and then I’ll set up a forum page that uses shortcode conditionals to show them just the forum I want them to see. I’m not sure this will integrate perfectly with my bbpress/buddypress setup (I’m concerned about the activity pages and such) but we’ll see. I’ll definitely watch for updates to your plugin–it sounds perfect for when it’s got an unlimited number of groups.



    Thanks Robin. That looks like a great plugin but it’s limited to 8 groups. I want to split people up by (at the very least) geographic area, so I need many more forums to assign people into.

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