f00f (@f00f)

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  • @f00f


    Just checked this plugin out to upgrade from bbPress 1.x and found two minor (but very relevant) problems.

    1) The date of all posts was set to the current date. All posts were ‘less than a minute ago’.

    2) German Umlauts were broken. Looks like a utf8-latin1 encoding problem. This might be due to my bb tables being utf8 while my wp tables are latin1. I knew this would bite me some time.

    The same bug appears btw. in the official importer – although the official tool sometimes sets the topic to an emtpy string then.

    You want to look here to find such a function: https://trac.bbpress.org/ticket/1207



    The six-step cookie-sharing integration works for me with WP 2.7 and BB 1.0-alpha6. Thanks a bunch!

    Issues that I encountered on this journey:

    – Had to set ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH in wp-config.php (seems to be unrelated to BB)

    – I created a fresh bb-config.php using the installer. It seems to create WP settings as well, which didn’t work with my custom table prefix in WP -> manually fix it in bb_meta

    – WP integration options in BB somehow created user_bbdb_user and user_bbdb_password options in bb_meta containing my BB login info -> remove them manually

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