elucidateTX (@elucidatetx)

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  • @elucidatetx


    Thank you again for your time on this. I’m not a coder, and I don’t really feel like I have any idea what I’m doing here. But I tried to follow your instructions. Here’s what I did:
    1. I downloaded the functions.php file from my theme folder and opened it to edit in Notepad++
    2. I inserted the code you have above and then did a find/replace. I found first_name and replaced it with rpi_label1. I did the same for last_name and rpi_label2
    3. Here is the resulting code:

    //* Code addition for bbP Profile Information Plugin
    function myplugin_register_form (){
    	$rpi_label1 = ( isset( $_POST[‘rpi_label1’] ) ) ? $_POST[‘rpi_label1’]: ”;
    	$rpi_label2 = ( isset( $_POST[‘rpi_label2’] ) ) ? $_POST[‘rpi_label2’]: ”;
    	<label for=”rpi_label1”><?php _e(‘First Name as people call you eg Dave’,’mydomain’) ?><br />
    	<input type=”text” name=”rpi_label1” id=”rpi_label1” class=”input” value=”<?php echo esc_attr(stripslashes($rpi_label1)); ?>” size=”25″ /></label>
    	<label for=”rpi_label2”><?php _e(‘Last Name’,’mydomain’) ?><br />
    	<input type=”text” name=”rpi_label2” id=”rpi_label2” class=”input” value=”<?php echo esc_attr(stripslashes($rpi_label2)); ?>” size=”25″ /></label>
    add_filter(‘registration_errors’, ‘myplugin_registration_errors’, 10, 3);
    function myplugin_registration_errors ($errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email) {
    	if ( empty( $_POST[‘rpi_label1’] ) )
    	$errors->add( ‘rpi_label1_error’, __(‘ERROR: You must include a first name.’,’mydomain’) );
    	if ( empty( $_POST[‘rpi_label2’] ) )
    	$errors->add( ‘rpi_label2_error’, __(‘ERROR: You must include a last name.’,’mydomain’) );
    	return $errors;
    add_action(‘user_register’, ‘myplugin_user_register’);
    function myplugin_user_register ($user_id) {
    	if ( isset( $_POST[‘rpi_label1’] ) )
    	update_user_meta($user_id, ‘rpi_label1’, $_POST[‘rpi_label1’]);
    	if ( isset( $_POST[‘rpi_label2’] ) )
    	update_user_meta($user_id, ‘rpi_label2’, $_POST[‘rpi_label2’]);

    Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be working. I got an error code that reads:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘Name’ (T_STRING) in functions.php on line 119

    Line 119 reads:
    <label for=”rpi_label1”><?php _e(‘First Name as people call you eg Dave’,’mydomain’) ?><br />

    Any further help you can provide would be really appreciated.



    Thought you said you hated code?!! 🙂

    Have you a specific registration template in mind, does your theme come with something?

    Ha no I don’t hate code! I’m just not any good at it yet. I’m using the Genesis Enterprise Pro theme.

    Here’s what I tried:
    1. Created a page and dropped the [bbp-register] shortcode into it.
    2. Copied the form-user-register.php file into the bbpress directory in my theme folder
    3. I added this form of code for each of the four rpi_label classes:

    `<div class=”rpi_label1″>
    <label for=”rpi_label1″><?php _e( ‘Class’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?>: </label>
    <input type=”text” name=”rpi_label1″ value=”<?php bbp_sanitize_val( ‘rpi_label1’ ); ?>” size=”20″ id=”rpi_label1″ tabindex=”<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>” />
    …for this one it’s an input field for the Class of my user

    Am I on the right track? The data entered doesn’t seem to be making it into the user database. After filling out the registration form for a test user…then going to edit the user…the data isn’t listed.




    Thanks so much! I love your plugin. A followup question, I’d like to include your fields in the registration template. It looks like they’re called rpi_label1, etc. Any thoughts on how to do this?



    Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading your reply.

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