Duke (@dukessa)

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  • @dukessa


    My bad.

    When I replaced the auth_key, secure_auth_key, logged_in_key and nonce_key, i pasted it directly from wp-config and didnt add the BB_ before every key.. so it was obviously not working.

    All good now!

    Thank you guys :)



    I have never used that plugin, it has always worked without any need for the bbPress integration plugin.

    All i had to do was set the integration through bbPress installation and backend.

    I have installed the plugin now, and added that string to the wp-config

    It looks like I cant be logged in in both at the same time though… when Im logged into wp, i must login again into bbpress… and the wp login disconnects automatically (so i would have to reconnect again).

    Is there a way to not have to login every time I change wp <-> bbpress ?



    :D just showing my gratitude!

    Because the documentation is so.. not existent.. you were really nice in helping me out on this one :)

    I have another question though…

    Now it wont detect my login on bbpress, when Im connected already to WP.

    I changed the wp security keys in WP, and put the same auth/secure/logged_in/nonce key from wp config inside bbpress config file.

    I also added define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘.mydomain.com’); but it’s still not detecting that i already logged in from wp.

    When i try to access bb-admin, I fill in user and pass from wp, but i get redirected to the forum homepage.

    Maybe the auth keys (salt or else?) must be reconfigured in the db as well (because i changed the wp ones in this new server) ?



    I actually love you :)

    Thank you so much, I missed exactly this information!

    One little suggestion for the next BBpress release… this kind of info should be set in the config file, like everything else… users should not wander around in the database ;)



    No, why would they be?

    They werent equal in the old server either… they each had one separate db.

    I set the integration with wp from the bbpress installation and backend.

    I think the problem is exactly that: i can change db info for BBpress easily now, but I cant find where to edit WP db settings for the integration (is it stored in the DB directly? ) so its causing a db connection error because bbpress is trying to connect to the old WP db?




    I only know how to do it in the forum view, for the latest post author (in every topic)… but I dont know how to make it work for single posts inside the topics…

    Latest poster in a topic, points to profile:

    <a href="<?php user_profile_link($topic->topic_last_poster) ?>"><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></a>

    Come on, there must be a way to link each post author name (inside a topic) to their profile….



    Hello, I have a working translation for bbPress 1.0.2, and Im having the topic_time() issue too.

    It doesnt translate into my local language, even though months, days etc, are translated in the lang file.

    When I use _e(‘something to translate’) everything is fine, but calling directly topic_time() doesnt translate anything.

    How do I wrap topic_time() into _e() ? or… what is the correct way to translate time?

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