Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Pagination Not Working on Any Forum Page
Hello @quantum_leap
First, sorry for tagging’ you out like this, but since this is an older post I thought it might be necessary. 🙂
I’m also running into the same issue. The only difference is that I’m not using forums within my groups – since this makes no sense for my setup. My users can use the main forum for their needs.
The groups have been setup from within the admin panel, so not sure if that has anything to say.
My issue is in this case not within groups, but within user profiles. The problem is exactly the same as Sky mentioned above. The pages are setup to show 15 per page and it only shows items on page 1 – even if I choose page 2, 3 and so on.
I tried setting up the 2 new files you mentioned above within my child theme, but this only echos out the “No topics found.” both in the top of the container – and in the bottom where the pagination normally is. The topics and replies are still shown within my theme, but now pagination is gone.
Any ideas on how to fix this? – I did troubleshoot different things, and I also can’t seem to figure out anywhere else this bug would be but bbPress.
Hope you’re able to help! – Thanks in advance!