Divvy (@divvy)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @divvy


    Unfortunately, not yet…



    Anyone know how to do this?






    Can someone help me?

    Basically, I want when the user click on the image it launch a search with all posts created in selected forums…



    Hey Robin, I already contacted you 🙂



    True, but not so powerful as this one.

    Does anyone know how to add a link in the badges to archivements tab page?

    I think that we need to change this line of code:
    $badge_output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $achievement->ID, 'thumbnail', array('title'=>get_the_title( $achievement->ID ) ) );




    Sorry, I know that this topic have almost 3 years old, but I have a solution.
    I’m going to add here in case there is more people looking for the same.

    I have found this code to place badges (achievements) under user avatar in bbpress:

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_author_link', 'my_append_badges_via_filter', 10, 2 );
    function my_append_badges_via_filter($author_link = '', $args) {
    	# Needed to get the user ID of the person intended to be displayed.
    	$user_id = bbp_get_reply_author_id( $args['post_id'] );
    	#Construct your output here.
    	$badge_output = '';
    	$achievements = badgeos_get_user_achievements( array( 'user_id' => $user_id ) );
    	if ( !empty( $achievements ) ) {
    			$badge_output .= '<div class="achievements">';
            foreach ( $achievements as $achievement ) {
    						if($achievement->post_type != 'badges')
                $badge_output .= '<div class="achievement achievement-' . $achievement->post_type . '">';
                //echo '<h2>' . get_the_title( $achievement->ID ) . '</h2>';
                $badge_output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $achievement->ID, 'thumbnail', array('title'=>get_the_title( $achievement->ID ) ) );
                //echo __( 'Earned on: ', 'text-domain' ) . date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $achievement->date_earned ) ;
                $badge_output .= '</div>';
    			$badge_output .= '</div>';
    	return  $author_link . $badge_output;

    To make badge smaller I added this CSS code:


    But the code is not perfect. Because is not showing badges only under avatar, is also showing at:
    – forums main page
    – forum page
    – above topic (information bar)

    Would be great too if have:
    – link in badges to archivements tab page

    Can someone help me with this? 🙂




    Done. Thank you anyway 🙂

    Here goes the correct code for who might be interested:

    function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
    $args['tinymce'] = true;
    $args['teeny'] = false;
    $args['tinymce'] = array( 
    'toolbar1' =>'bold, italic, blockquote',
    return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor' );
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