digiblogger (@digiblogger)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @digiblogger



    just bring this topic back to live.

    I tried your plugin.
    Do you think, you could include capabilities like “User group can read, but not start topics, but reply.”
    “User group can read, but not start topic or reply”
    “user group can not see anything”
    User Group can see, but not start topic or reply.

    I think, what is really needed is a “can read, can create and can reply” for each group on every forum (and maybe topic)-.

    In reply to: Deeper capabilities



    This is absolutely not correct.
    There is no a single capability, allowing to restrict anybody for anything on “per forum base”.

    You can allow or restrict creating, writing, replying (…) for specific rules.

    But you can not create somthing like that:

    Forum 1
    Guests: Allowed to view, but not to create or answer
    Members: Allowed to view, allowed to answer, but not to create
    Moderators: Allower to view, answer and create

    Forum 2
    Guests: Not allowed to view, create or answer
    Members: Allowed to view, create an answer
    Moderators: Allowed to view, anwer and create

    Forum 3
    Guest: Not alowerd to view, create, answer
    Members: Allowed to reply, but not to view or create
    Moderators: Allowed to create, view and reply.

    Capabilities on per Forum base would make bbpress an absolutely perfect forum solution.

    Example 1:
    Allow to create Groups.
    Set permissions for groups on per forum.

    Example 2:
    Allow to set permissions for all existing groups on per forum base.

    The capabilities that are included allow only general permissions/restrictions.
    You can not have different capabilities for every group on per forum base.


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