dianedeboer (@dianedeboer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @dianedeboer


    I would like to show you how this forum looks without login: https://www.samenveerkrachtig.nl/forum/

    So now you see new members in the page (like Marco747) and I only want to show the topics. Is this possible.



    I can’t say. I noticed that the default lay-out is used for this page. I used to have a custom made lay-out which is developed by a specialist. He placed the codes for this in a child theme and everything worked just fine. But for a few weeks now, this lay-out is gone. The child theme is still active.
    So I guess this is the problem.

    While I do want to re-use the custom lay-out it is more important that when looking at the forum page without login people see only the latest activity.

    So how can I make this happen?

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