defue (@defue)

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  • @defue


    I’ve found a solution for this. You need to edit bbpress/bb-includes/ and replace the function bb_get_post (it is the first function in file) with

    function bb_get_post( $post_id ) {
    global $bbdb;
    $post_id = (int) $post_id;
    if ( false === $post = wp_cache_get( $post_id, 'bb_post' ) ) {
    $post = $bbdb->get_row( $bbdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE post_id = %d", $post_id ) );
    $post = bb_append_meta( $post, 'post' );
    wp_cache_set( $post_id, $post, 'bb_post' );
    //here is the only new line for stripping slashes
    $post->post_text = stripslashes($post->post_text);
    return $post;

    Not sure that it is the elegant solution but it works for me.

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