Not sure if this is the best method but I don’t have more time to research and here is what I came up with:
1. Create a new file; /my-plugins/bb-template.php
2. Code:
add_filter('bb_template', '_bb_template');
function _bb_template($template)
if (preg_match('/login.php/i', $template))
header('Location: /myurl/');
return $template;
3. Activate in bb-admin
I should have been more clear on where I am trying to update the link. After clicking on a forum from the front page the following is displayed at the bottom:
New Topic in this Forum
You must log in to post.
Looked in login.php and couldn’t find the line in question (I do have a template in my-templates).
I can try using the action bb_init but I don’t know how to pull in the content to apply a regex similar to WPs the_content filter.
Which file did you edit? I was not able to find it in the default theme.
I did find the code that creates the link in /bb-includes/function-bbtemplate.php, post_form(), line 311 for version 1.0.1.