Woohoo! This plugin works! https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bbpress-integration/
Anyone who is having trouble with single sign-on, deep integration and cookies w/ wp2.9 and bb1.0. Here is your answer. Make sure you configure it in the settings. Thanks for the help.
Also, I have tried this plugin, which, hasn’t worked for me either. I’m guessing its not compatible with 2.9. https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-26-and-bbpress-09-integration/
Why not just force all registrations and log ins through the WordPress side?
Well, when I include the deep integration, If I log in through the wordpress side, I won’t have access to the bb-admin. Is there a way around this?
Does anyone know a workaround for this? I have a wordpress plugin that syncs user data from an external user database when on the wp-authenticate hook. Unfortunately, this hook isn’t called when I login through the bbpress side.