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In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress
Hi Stephen,
I’ve made some slight improvements to the attachment importer script – pls check with me when the time comes, and I’ll send you the latest version. I have looked around for how to get write access to the source repository, and still don’t have a clue.
Looking over the SMF->bbPress import template, I noticed that avatars are being imported from the wrong place – they actually live in the attachments table, not the avatar table, with the associated ID of the user.
All the best,
In reply to: SMF Import to bbPressAnother script – this one cleans up the messy duplicate attachment references to the same media entry that were left behind, should you happen to re-run the older version of the script. Hopefully
you will not need this, but I certainly did after developing the script and running it dozens of times! – Mike
//php_removedupes.php – clean up after running older version of script multiple times.
//Mike Russell
require( ‘wp-load.php’ );
require( ‘wp-admin/includes/image.php’ );
global $wpdb;echo “version 1.0\n”;
$chunk = 100; //posts at a timea
//utility functions
function dumpguids($children)
foreach($children as $child)
echo “$child->ID $child->guid\n”; flush();
}//remove the %20’s from the supplied guid
function fixguid($guid)
return str_replace(“%20”, “”, $guid);
}for($kerchunk = 0; true; $kerchunk++) {
//Get the next group of posts.
$args = array( ‘offset’=> $kerchunk * $chunk,
‘numberposts’ => $chunk,
‘post_type’ => array(‘topic’, ‘reply’)
$posts = get_posts($args);
break;foreach($posts as $post) {
//echo print_r($post); flush();//get all attachments for this post.
$children = get_children( array (
‘post_parent’ =>$post->ID,
‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’,
‘numberposts’ => -1
) );
if(count($children) < 2)
//echo count($children).” attachments for $post->post_title\n”; flush();//sort the guid’s, ignoring %20 added by the SMF attachment script
usort($children, function($a, $b) {
return strcasecmp(str_replace(“%20”, “”, $a->guid), str_replace(“%20”, “”, $b->guid));
//reset the parent field of all the extra attachments with matching guid’s, keeping the last one.
//this leaves orphaned meta rows, which can be cleaned up later by standard WordPress
$deleted = 0;
$unique = 0;
$n = count($children);
for($i=0; $i<($n-1); $i++) {
if(fixguid($children[$i]->guid) == fixguid($children[$i+1]->guid)) {
//echo “delete dupe “.$children[$i]->post_title.” from parent “.$children[$i]->post_parent.”\n”; flush();
$wpdb->delete($wpdb->posts, array(‘ID’ => $children[$i]->ID));
} else {
echo $kerchunk * $chunk.” posts scanned\r”; flush();
echo “done\n”;
?>In reply to: SMF Import to bbPressHi again,
Here is an improved version of the SMF to bbPress script. This version supports additional, non-image filetypes, and has more safeguards against inserting attachments multiple times if the script is interrupted and restarted. Since I am not yet savvy in the ways of submitting source code to the forum, I am cutting and pasting, which seems to butcher the syntax horribly…
Many thanks, again, to Stephen.
//Standalone script to import smf attachments for the GD bbPress Attachments plugin
//Mike Russell, April 4, 2015
//Execute after you have imported smf into bbPress.
//Run this from the command line, not the web (it will timeout)require( ‘wp-load.php’ );
require( ‘wp-admin/includes/image.php’ );
global $wpdb;$verbose = false;
$force_attachment_update = false; //normally false. set true to re-write existing attachments
//$limit = ” LIMIT 0,1″;
$limit = ” LIMIT 0,99999″;// source database connection
$database = “xxx”;
$site_url = ‘’;
$forum_path = ‘forum/attachments/’;echo “start smf_attachments-to-bbpress v1.2\n”; flush();
//get the attachment rows from SMF
$smf_db = new wpdb($uname, $pass, $database, $host);
$smf_rows = $smf_db->get_results(”
SELECT * FROM smf_attachments
WHERE file_hash != ”
AND filename NOT LIKE ‘%thumb’
ORDER BY id_attach”
.$limit);echo “processing “.$smf_db->num_rows.” rows total\n”;
// process each row
$count = 0;
foreach ($smf_rows as $smf_attachment_row) {
if($verbose) { echo ‘next row, id_attach = ‘.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.”\n”; flush(); }//look for both a new and old style filename to copy. If neither exists, skip this attachment
$smf_filename = $forum_path.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.’_’.$smf_attachment_row->file_hash;
$smf_filename = $forum_path.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.’_’.$smf_attachment_row->filename.$smf_attachment_row->file_hash;if(!file_exists($smf_filename))
echo “no file, skipping attachment for SMF attachment “.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.”, missing SMF file: “.$smf_filename.”\n”; flush();
}$uploads = wp_upload_dir(‘SMF’);
$new_upload_dir = $uploads[‘path’];
$new_full_filename = $new_upload_dir.’/’.$smf_attachment_row->filename;
if($verbose) { echo(‘old->new = ‘.$smf_filename.’ -> ‘.$new_full_filename.”\n”); flush(); }//copy the enclosed file from SMF to the upload dir if necessary
if(!file_exists($new_full_filename) && !copy($smf_filename, $new_full_filename) ) {
echo “cannot copy: “.$smf_filename.”->”.$new_full_filename.”\n”;
} else {
//look for a reference to the bbPress-imported parent post for the current attachment
$parent_args = array(
‘post_type’ => array(‘topic’, ‘reply’),
‘meta_key’ => ‘_bbp_post_id’,
‘meta_value’ => $smf_attachment_row->id_msg
//echo “$parent_args = “.print_r($parent_args).”\n”;$parent_query = new WP_Query($parent_args);
if($verbose || $parent_query->post_count > 1) {
echo $parent_query->post_count.” posts found for smf_post id “.$smf_attachment_row->id_msg.”\n”; flush();
}//add the attachment if there is exactly one parent referencing it
if($parent_query->have_posts() && $parent_query->post_count == 1) {
$guid = $uploads[‘url’] . ‘/’ . basename( $new_full_filename );
$post_id = get_the_ID();//if force option is not specified, skip updating an already existing attachment
if(!$force_attachment_update) {
$q = $wpdb->prepare(
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE guid = %s AND post_parent = %d
$post_id);$nrefs = $wpdb->get_var($q);
if($nrefs > 0) {
if($verbose) { echo “skip existing attachment: “.$guid.”\n”; flush(); }
wp_reset_postdata(); //reset post info
goto done;
}$attachment_data = array(
‘guid’ => $guid,
‘post_mime_type’ => ‘image/’.$smf_attachment_row->fileext,
‘post_title’ => $smf_attachment_row->filename,
‘post_status’ => null,
‘post_content’ => ”,
if($verbose) { echo “attachment_data = “.print_r($attachment_data).”\n”; flush(); }$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment_data, $new_full_filename, $post_id);
//echo “attach_id = “.$attach_id.”\n”; flush();
if($attach_id) {
//update_post_meta($attach_id, ‘_bbp_attachment’, 1);
if($attach_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $new_full_filename)) {
//echo ‘attach_metadata = ‘.print_r($attach_metadata).”\n”; flush();
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_metadata );
set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $attach_id );
} else {
echo ‘wp_generate_attachment_metadata failed, fname = ‘.$new_full_filename.”\n”; flush();
if($count%100 == 0)
echo $count.” attachments processed\r”;
echo “Done, processed “.$count.” records\n\n”;//clean up message body text
//convert <tt> -> <br />
mysql_query(“UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content, \'<tt>\’, \'<br />\’) WHERE post_content LIKE \’%<tt>%\'”);mysql_close($connection);
?>In reply to: SMF Import to bbPressBeautiful – thanks. Hopefully I can contribute more in the future.
In reply to: SMF Import to bbPressI want to offer this php script in exchange for the help Stephen’s script provided. It ran successfully on my installation, going from SMF 2.0.4 to bbPress 2.5.6 / GD bbPress Attachments 2.2. Most of my time is taken up with consulting, and I regret that I will not be providing much in the way of support for this script.
This is a stand-alone php script that you must modify to target your SMF install. I suggest using notepad++ to edit for readability, and something like FileZilla to transfer your file to your host. Install and run the script in the root folder of your WordPress folder. I used Putty configured for an SSHconnection. Do not try to run it via http – the script will time out.
Thanks to Stephen Edgar for providing the original php on which this is based.
Mike Russell – final result at:
==============================================================================<?php //Standalone script to import smf attachments for the GD bbPress Attachments plugin //Execute after you have imported smf into bbPress require( 'wp-load.php' ); require( 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ); $verbose = false; //$limit = " LIMIT 0,1"; $limit = " LIMIT 0,99999"; // source database connection $host="localhost"; $uname="xxx"; $pass="xxx"; $database = "xxx"; $site_url = 'http://xxx/forum'; $forum_path = 'forum/attachments/'; echo "start smf_attachments-to-bbpress\n"; flush(); //get the attachment rows from SMF $smf_db = new wpdb($uname, $pass, $database, $host); $smf_rows = $smf_db->get_results(" SELECT * FROM <code>smf_attachments</code> WHERE file_hash != '' AND filename NOT LIKE '%thumb' ORDER BY <code>id_attach</code>" .$limit); echo "processing ".$smf_rows->num_rows." rows total\n"; // process each row $count = 0; foreach ($smf_rows as $smf_attachment_row) { if($verbose) { echo 'next row, id_attach = '.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach."\n"; flush(); } //look for both a new and old style filename. If neither exists, skip this attachment $smf_filename = $forum_path.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.'_'.$smf_attachment_row->file_hash; if(!file_exists($smf_filename)) $smf_filename = $forum_path.$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.'_'.$smf_attachment_row->filename.$smf_attachment_row->file_hash; if(!file_exists($smf_filename)) { echo "no file, skipping attachment for ".$smf_attachment_row->id_attach.", missing SMF file: ".$smf_filename."\n"; flush(); continue; } $uploads = wp_upload_dir('SMF'); $new_upload_dir = $uploads['path']; $new_full_filename = $new_upload_dir.'/'.$smf_attachment_row->filename; if($verbose) { echo('old->new = '.$smf_filename.' -> '.$new_full_filename."\n"); flush(); } //copy the enclosed file if necessary if(!file_exists($new_full_filename) && !copy($smf_filename, $new_full_filename) ) { echo "cannot copy: ".$smf_filename."->".$new_full_filename."\n"; } else { //look for bbPress's previously imported topic or reply for the current attachment $parent_args = array( 'post_type' => array('topic', 'reply'), 'meta_key' => '_bbp_post_id', 'meta_value' => $smf_attachment_row->id_msg ); //echo "$parent_args = ".print_r($parent_args)."\n"; $parent_query = new WP_Query($parent_args); $parent_query->get_posts(); if($verbose) { echo $parent_query->post_count." posts found for smf_post id ".$smf_attachment_row->id_msg."\n"; flush(); } //normally only one post references a given enclosure, but handle possible multiples anyway ... while($parent_query->have_posts()) { $parent_query->the_post(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); $attachment_data = array( 'guid' => $uploads['url'] . '/' . basename( $new_full_filename ), 'post_mime_type' => 'image/'.$smf_attachment_row->fileext, 'post_title' => $smf_attachment_row->filename, 'post_status' => null, 'post_content' => '', ); //if($verbose) { echo "attachment_data = ".print_r($attachment_data)."\n"; flush(); } $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment_data, $new_full_filename, $post_id); //echo "attach_id = ".$attach_id."\n"; flush(); if($attach_id) { //update_post_meta($attach_id, '_bbp_attachment', 1); if($attach_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $new_full_filename)) { //echo 'attach_metadata = '.print_r($attach_metadata)."\n"; flush(); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_metadata ); set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $attach_id ); } else { echo 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata failed, fname = '.$new_full_filename."\n"; flush(); } } wp_reset_postdata(); } } $count++; if($count%100 == 0) { echo $count." attachments processed\r"; flush(); } } echo "Done, processed ".$count." records\n\n"; //clean up message body text //convert <tt> -> <br /> mysql_query("UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content, \'<tt>\', \'<br />\') WHERE post_content LIKE \'%<tt>%\'"); mysql_close($connection); exit; ?>