CSutherland88 (@csutherland88)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @csutherland88


    @netweb cool! Yeah, I wish the plugin had worked for me but I guess that’s what happens when you customize too much — stuff starts conflicting with other stuff. I wish I knew more about programming and WordPress to really get in there and do things correctly but for now, my “hit it until it works” approach seems to suffice lol.



    Just noticed something that might cause an issue. Make sure you change the inactiveCLass variable from “paged” to something else as well as in the CSS. Apparently, when BBPress paginates topics, it assigns the class “Paged” to the whole page so if it’s set to display none, you will spend hours trying to figure out why your page 2, 3, etc is blank…



    Hey there,

    I know I’m probably late to the party but I’ve been searching for a way to allow pagination WITH threaded replies in BBpress for the past 3 days now with no luck. The closest I got to having it work was with the BBPress Threaded Replies plugin by Jennifer Dodd but it didn’t work as expected (I think because I am using a custom loop and also some custom functions may be messing with it). Every time I activated it and tried to enable threaded replies it would remove my formatting toolbar from the text editor (which I need) and it would only show the same reply for all pages. So I decided to try and come up with a way to mimic pagination and I think I have solved my issue. I wanted to post it here for anyone else having trouble with pagination and threaded replies.

    Basically, it’s a jQuery Pagination Imitation script that hides items in a list and only shows the number you specify at a time. It also creates links that change the items being displayed to simulate different pages. I applied this to the site I am working on and it worked like a charm. The major difference with this script and actual REAL pagination is with the script, you are still having to load all the results on one page. You just hide the extras so it doesn’t look so clustered. Other than that, it does exactly what I need it for, reducing the number of replies visible at a time. Here is a link to the JSFiddle if anyone is interested. Hopefully, this will save someone some headaches.

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