covertandcloaked (@covertandcloaked)

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  • @covertandcloaked


    I’ve typed in the url for the admin page but it’s not popping up. Am I missing something or is it related to one of the errors mentioned above.




    I addressed the 99% rule and have learned that I am in the 1% and made it to the installation page. However, Not sure yet what it’s all about but I did get:

    Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.

    bbPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key]

    ALTER TABLE ppd_posts ADD COLUMN post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment

    bbPress database error: [Key column ‘post_id’ doesn’t exist in table]

    ALTER TABLE ppd_posts ADD PRIMARY KEY (post_id)

    1.Created table ppd_forums

    2.Created table ppd_topics

    3.Created table ppd_topicmeta

    4.Created table ppdusers

    5.Created table ppdusermeta

    6.Created table ppd_tags

    7.Created table ppd_tagged

    8.Changed default value of ppd_posts.post_status from publish to 0

    9.Added column ppd_posts.post_id

    10.Added column ppd_posts.forum_id

    11.Added column ppd_posts.topic_id

    12.Added column ppd_posts.poster_id

    13.Added column ppd_posts.post_text

    14.Added column ppd_posts.post_time

    15.Added column ppd_posts.poster_ip

    16.Added index ppd_posts FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘field list’]

    SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM ppd_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘where clause’]

    SELECT * FROM ppd_posts WHERE post_id = 3


    Now you can log in with the username . . .



    Is it possible the problem lays in my use of local host in spite of the “99% chance you won’t need to change . . .” :) What does one change it to when one is the 1%? Is this even a possibility if the same info was used in wordpress installation?

    I cut and paste just the actual db name, password and username and nothing else.

    I don’t know whether I’m using a port or socket, that’s getting out of my pay grade. I’ve done multiple installs though of wordpress without problems.




    I just tried to do the edit of the config while it was on the server just in case something was corrupting in in the editor (openoffice a few times but notepad in the end) but that didn’t work either.




    sigh …

    I cleaned house and started from scratch, and still:

    Cannot select DB.

    As a side question (2)

    In the section of the code for “What are you going to call me?” Can the content have punctuation?

    Second, I’m not clear on the slug reference. I think I understand the end result but do you actually type in the word ‘slugs’?




    When I get the appropriate files. Should I install with a configuartion without WordPress integration in mind and if I get the installation up and running can I make changed from there to integrate?




    I have not done anything, plug in, or template, just unzipped the download from bbpress website, unzipped, made the appropriate changes to the config.php and uploaded. I will delete everything from server and my computer and download and start from scratch. However the link offered earlier to .8.3.1 has a note in the thread saying not to use it if there is planned wordpress integration, which is my goal.

    Where and what should I download to begin again?




    You were right. I’m back to the original error. I’ve made use of the config portion as well as follows.

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘playdate_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘ppd_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress –

    Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress –

    Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    Here the error message.

    Parse error: parse error in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/config.php on line 4

    Fatal error: Class bb_walker_forumadminlistitems: Cannot inherit from undefined class bb_walker in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 582




    I’m going to delete everything from my server and start from scratch.




    I just downloaded bbPress today from its site, so I’m assuming it is the most recent. I’ve started from scratch and now I’ve what is probably a more recognizable error message but still not one I know how to handle, although I’ll search for it in the forum:

    Cannot select DB




    I should add that I have a couple of WordPress Blogs successfully installed and have used the same db settings cut and pasted from them to the bbpress config.php file.


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