cmaujean (@cmaujean)

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  • @cmaujean


    Most of this code was taken directly from the bbsync plugin (I’ve attempted to remove need for configuration, and some of the bbsync functionality/flexibility).

    There are really truly NO errors logged anywhere for this.

    here is my plugin in it’s entirety:

    define('CRBBFORUMID', 1);

    function cr_post($post_id) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb, $current_user;

    require (dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/config.php');
    // get the post
    $post = wp_get_single_post( $post_id );

    if(!$current_user) {

    $post_title = $bbdb->escape($post->post_title);

    $bb_topic_arr = get_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $true);
    $bb_topic_id = $bb_topic_arr[0];

    // if bb has this post already, update the topic
    $topic_exists = false;
    if ($bb_topic_id) {
    if(bb_update_topic($post_title, $bb_topic_id)) {
    $topic_exists = true;
    $reply = bb_get_first_post($bb_topic_id);
    bb_update_post($post_text, $reply->post_id, $bb_topic_id);

    // if not, create a new topic
    if (!$topic_exists) {
    $topic_id = bb_new_topic($post_title, CRBBFORUMID, $tags);
    $reply_id = bb_new_post($bb_topic_id, $post_text);

    $r = false;
    if ($topic_id && $reply_id) {
    bb_update_topicmeta($bb_topic_id, 'wp_post', $post_id);
    if (!update_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id)) {
    add_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id, true);
    $r = true;
    $oldcoms = get_approved_comments($post_id);
    if($oldcoms) {
    foreach($oldcoms AS $oldcom) {
    if($user = bb_get_user($oldcom->comment_author)) {
    $time = strtotime($oldcom->comment_date);
    $text = '<em><strong>This comment was originally posted at ' . date('G:i', $time) . ' on ' . date('jS F Y', $time) . ".</strong></em>nn" . $oldcom->comment_content;
    bb_new_post($topic_id, mysql_real_escape_string($text));
    return $r;

    function cr_comment($comment_id, $approval_status) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb;
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/bb-load.php');

    $comment = get_comment($comment_id);

    $topic_id = get_post_meta($comment->comment_post_ID, 'bb_topic', $true);
    if(($topic_id) && ($approval_status == 1) && ($comment->user_id) && bb_set_current_user($comment->user_id)) {
    //topic linked, genuine comment, actual user, bb likes user
    bb_new_post($topic_id, $comment->comment_content);
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;

    add_action('publish_post', 'cr_post');
    add_action('comment_post', 'cr_comment');



    also, this same problem happens when I try to use the bbsync plugin.

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