Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Website shrunk on mobile
I have added
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
#new-topic-0.bbp-topic-form, .bbp-reply-form {
width: 80%;
}back into to my style.css seems to have sorted it, but still leaves my reply to topic form over the edge of the screen on the mobile
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationBrilliant !! thank you, works perfectly 🙂 🙂
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationThat’s it, great thank you.
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationyes I have bbress moderation tools by digital arm
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationI have tried it on my live site but I still just get the same as before, I will leave it there if you would like to try
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationI ran your code on my development site as a guest and it does not work it returns the same as on the live site as a guest.
As I am the only member, I only moderate guests.In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationJust realized that even without your code it comes back as /topic/adelaide-airport-adl/?moderation_pending=7608 never noticed that before
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationThanks, I am more than happy for it to work that way there is no missing what is happening which you can get with a small banner and it will give me chance to customize the page they go to.
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationHi Robin,
Thank you, I would like to echo Chuckle’s comment, you are really appreciated.The code above returns me to the topic page with address as /topic/ministro-pistarini-ezeiza-international-airport-eze/?moderation_pending=7364
I added a { to the function line of the code above. I assume I did not need the original code as well.
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationOK thanks.
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationHi Robin,
Should this work for guests posters as well as members ?
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationHas this thread gone off topic?
The problem is that when a reply is sent and it goes to moderation it does not return a message to the user saying why the user cannot see their message.
I don’t understand where url’s come into that. If the reply is just a simple “hello” where is the url ?In reply to: writing to contentsJust to update, all seems to be working so I thought I would share this. I am sure the coding is bad but it works !!
I am the only one that can create topics, I moderate all replies and want to add to the end of each reply ‘#plasticfree’ and a custom metadata value for each topic that I put in when I create a topic.
This means that the hashtag and twitter name goes out with the RSS feed to tiwtter etc.
Thank you Robin for all your help./*** To add #plasticfree and twitter name to reply ***/ function waa_content( $content, $post_id ){ // get the topic id $post_id = get_the_ID(); $reply_topic_id = bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $post_id ); // get value from table $twitname = get_post_meta( $reply_topic_id, 'bbp_twitname', true ); $twithash = '#plasticfree'; $post = get_post($id); if ($post->post_type =='reply'){ $pos = strpos($content, '#plasticfree'); if ($pos == false) { $content .= '<br>'. $twithash .' ' .$twitname; } } return $content; } add_filter( 'content_edit_pre', 'waa_content', 10, 2 );
In reply to: writing to contentsoops must have got the IF wrong, does not work with that
In reply to: writing to contentsMany Thanks Robin
I added $ to content on line 5 and it works but it also works on topics and forums, I will add a
if ($post->post_type ==’reply’){around it, thanks again
In reply to: writing to contentsIn dashboard I see in “all replies” a pending reply.
When I click on edit, in the reply attributes box the status is Pending
I have a publish button(this is when at the moment I add my text to the contents)
When I publish the Status changes to Publish and the button changes to update
In reply to: writing to contentsSorry I lied, just found I do have a plugin bbpress moderation tools by digital arm
In reply to: writing to contentsNo, if I remember rightly, it is set up under settings / discussions to allow anyone to post comments and all go to moderation, no-one can join so all replies are all
In reply to: writing to contentsHi Robin,
Thank you, if I add that to my functions file, it adds it to a new reply perfectly if I as admin create that new reply.
But it does not work if a guest replies (it is normal for my replies to be from guests) all replies go to moderation and at the moment, before I approve the reply by publishing I add test at the end of each content. It is when I click publish that I want it to add the text.Regards
In reply to: Split up my Tags pageThanks again, I have increased the size of the font but that is all.
In reply to: Split up my Tags pageThat is great, thank you very much, I have put it on my development site and it is exactly what I wanted. I have a few changes to make on something else on my live site and I will add it as soon as I have finished.
Thanks again.
CliveIn reply to: Split up my Tags pageHi,
Yes, that is the sort of thing I want.
In reply to: Split up my Tags pageThat sounds a great idea, not sure how to do it, as you can see from above I can get all the tags but I don’t know how to add a filter.
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobileHi Nick,
Thanks, but I assume this relates to divi themes, I am running twenty twelve.
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobileHi Nick,
No not solved it yetClive