yes i am. so i just took out the “topics” “post” “freshness” from mobile view alone.
but for replying, the avatar seems to take up most of the space on mobile.
make the screen to mobile, and you wud see the “author” avatar taking up most space,
if i cud get to
display: none;
for that column of “author”
or shrink smaller, for the “post” to be seen better. This would be great?
to me your forum looks great! whats the problem exactly?
permalink is set to – Post name
also i tried, trying individual permalinks to see if it would work with a different one. but same problem persist
did not work. I tried deactivating and deleting the plugin. then upload it back with installing again. I tried that permalinks flushing. Nothing worked. I could give you admin access, but what email to email the username and password too?