chrishajer (@chrishajer)

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  • @chrishajer


    Can you post the contents of your .htaccess file or files? Maybe it’s getting rewritten in a bad way somehow.



    I just did a fresh install of 0.8.3 and I can add tags to existing posts just fine. Maybe it happens only with upgrades? I noticed that on this install, my username is something I chose, rather than the old default of admin, so maybe that is messing up the keymaster somehow.



    Can you add this line to config.php:

    $bb->debug = 1;

    You can put it near the top after the database details. That should give you some useful information.



    Did you actually use the line path/to/wp-blog-header.php or did you change it to the ACTUAL path to wp-blog-header.php? Something like /home/thewayev/public_html/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php.

    The “path/to/” part is illustrative and should be changed to your actual path for your installation.



    Does this cover what you’re trying to do?

    There are some pretty good links at the end of the article too if the article does not specifically address your concern.



    Did you add anything related to cookies in your config.php or wp-config.php? Line 37 of pluggable.php deals with cookiedomain so I am just wondering if you are doing anything with cookies at all, for that to error out like that. The “cannot modify header” errors are coming because something printed an error that was unexpected.



    It’s good that fixed it, but now I am curious why it was broken. What version of PHP are you using?



    Sounds like that pm plugin is not working or not activated, but it’s still being called by the template?

    It’s a good practice to call plugins like so, to prevent these sort or fatal errors if the plugin is not available:

    if ( function_exists('pm_fp_link') ) {
    // then call the function

    Then there won’t be a fatal error if the plugin is not available.

    In reply to: mysql.sock error ?



    Sounds like your problem was discussed here:

    Check out the patch that is attached to this ticket:

    It worked for another user. Good luck.

    In reply to: dutch translation



    I know of this list of translations, but it does not appear complete to me:

    There is also a Dutch forum at for bbpress:

    I think there have been a couple mentions of a dutch translation in this forum, but I can’t find a link to one right now. Maybe you can search this forum for dutch and contact the posters to see if they’ve ever solved their problem with the translation.



    These are completely wild guesses, just stalling and bumping the thread until someone knowledgeable comes along.

    Are there any underscore plugins in the plugin directory? What if you put an underscore plugin in that folder, if there are none now?

    Is it possible glob is disabled in your php.ini, and the conditional in this file is not working properly when glob is disabled (create a phpinfo file and look for the disabled_functions section to see if glob is there.

    That’s all I’ve got right now :-)



    I haven’t looked at any of these yet, but the idea is awesome. Thanks very much for doing this.



    Is it possible there are no php files in that directory, so the array is empty? File permissions making them unreadable?

    In reply to: Hot Tags Font size


    Participant is not accessible (gives a 404). I was going to look at the theme you are using because that is not the default for the bb_tag_heat_map: <?php bb_tag_heat_map(9 38 ‘pt’ 80); ?>

    This is the default from

    <?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?>

    So, what do the numbers mean? Looking at that function in bb-includes/teamplate-functions.php around line 1574, here’s what the defaults are, and mean:

    $defaults = array( 'smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'limit' => 45, 'format' => 'flat' );

    Looks like you define the smallest size, largest size, the unit of measure, the max size and then a format (not sure what that last one does.)

    So, my guess is you would change those. At the very least you need to put comments between the arguments in the function call in your front-page.php: your example shows none. And you might want to add that last argument – not sure what happens when it’s missing.



    For you to see the source of the php page, it’s almost like your webserver is not parsing php files or something, or something in your htaccess is treating php files as html or something.

    In reply to: 404 Not Found



    Sounds like your server does not support slugs or pretty permalinks, or you did not create the .htaccess file. I would start by changing your config to turn off mod_rewrite like this (like 26 in config.php):

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    That should make your forum visible again.

    In reply to: Cannot select DB



    Is there anything logged by MySQL? Does the wordpress user actually exist, and is the password in both wp-config.php and (bbpress) config.php the same?

    Sorta stumped …

    In reply to: Cannot select DB



    If it cannot connect to the database, but the database server is working with WordPress, then I suspect something is wrong in the config.php for bbPress. Since we can’t help you with that on your local machine, can you try connecting to that database using the connection details you entered in config.php, with some other tool (phpMyAdmin or whatever comes with a MySQL install)?



    If you would like to watch the whole forum, there are lots of RSS feeds set up by default in bbPress (tags, new posts, topics, etc), and you could just have those feeds emailed to you by something like Feedblitz

    You’re also looking for a way to post to the forum via email though, and I don’t know of a way to do that. I know you can post to a blog via email, but I have not seen anything like that for bbPress (or any other forum actually.)



    Joel Spolsky (of Joel on Software) said it best, I think:

    This is a blockquote, but there is no styling so you would never know that…


    Q. Could you make a feature where I check a box that says “email me if somebody replies to my post?”

    A. This one feature, so easy to implement and thus so tempting to programmers, is the best way to kill dead any young forum. Implement this feature and you may never get to critical mass. Philip Greenspun’s LUSENET has this feature and you can watch it sapping the life out of young discussion groups.


    What happens is that people go to the group to ask a question. If you offer the “notify me” checkbox, these people will post their question, check the box, and never come back. They’ll just read the replies in their mailbox. The end.

    If you eliminate the checkbox, people are left with no choice but to check back every once in a while. And while they’re checking back, they might read another post which looks interesting. And they might have something to contribute to that post. And in the critical early days when you’re trying to get the discussion group to take off, you’ve increased the “stickiness” and you’ve got more people hanging around, which helps achieve critical mass a lot quicker.


    You could always integrate an RSS-to-email type thing, like Feedblitz, and maybe you could do something like automatically marking each topic a favorite when someone posts a reply, then also automatically check the box to email them whenever there is a post on a topic that is marked as a favorite. That would be plugin territory, I think.

    I haven’t heard of anyone doing it yet, and I agree with Joel that it’s not a good idea.

    My $.02



    Stefan, take a look at this trac ticket:

    mdawaffe is actively working on it.



    The important thing to change in line 80 is from




    There’s a letter I in there and it does not look like you changed that based on your error message. You also still need to have the $this->$dbhname as the parameter as well (maybe you already did that, but did not catch the I part.)



    Thanks Sam.





    I just checked out r951 and I can duplicate this on a vanilla install without integration. I think the problem is with line 80 in db-mysqli.php:

    if ( !empty($this->charset) && version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.0', '>=') )

    I think mysql_get_server_info() should be mysqli_get_server_info()

    Since the connection was made a couple lines earlier with @mysqli_connect, there is no mysql_connect link identifier, and none is passed in, so line 80 generates a warning and the setting of the charset errors out, and would never happen.

    If you add the i to line 80, the warnings go away. I added my comments to the trac ticket.

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