calman (@calman)

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  • @calman


    Okay, now that I have my appetite back, can I manipulate the “allow-images.php” to restrict images to a certain width/scaling?

    I know I could simply post with “width=250” on the image tag, but in order to make it easy for members, I’d like to do all the hard work for them.


    Cal :)



    DING!!!! … I feel like an idiot now, that’s exactly what I forgot to do. Too busy trying to get the coding/FTP side of things right, I completely forgot to activate it.

    Thank You so much!




    If I am following this correctly, I’ve created a directory in my bbPress route directory called “my-plugins” and placed the “allow-images.php” in that folder (both locally and uploaded with FTP)

    I’ve even Ctrl-F5’d my forum .. with no joy!

    Stuck! ;(



    I have it exactly as you have above, a typical HTML Image Tag! … I even tried bbCode in desperation, but no joy either way.

    I uploaded the “allow-images.pgp” to the plugin directory on my FTP, so I wonder if I am missing some other procedure out, that I’ve overlooked?


    Cal :)



    .. also put a ‘padding-left=10’ behind the login fields, so looks much better, cheers! :)



    Thank you so much!

    At this stage, I am simply looking to change the physical text or “Username” etc, so this is a result, thanks again.

    I still have to tackle a custom header and styling, but will save those rookie questions for another thread.

    All the best,

    Cal :)



    Thank you so much guys! .. that’s a great help on my very first question. *thumbs up*

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