blupp (@blupp)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @blupp


    I made a workaround. Not ideal and not performant, but it works for me…

    function discover_topics() {

    global $bbdb, $frequency, $priority, $bb, $topic;

    $topic_query = "SELECT t.topic_id AS tid, t.forum_id as fid, p.post_time AS tim, t.topic_posts AS nposts FROM $bbdb->posts p, $bbdb->topics t WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND post_status = 0 GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time";

    $matches = $bbdb->get_results($topic_query);

    if ($matches) {

    foreach($matches as $match) {

    $url = get_topic_link($match->tid);

    if ($match->fid!=5) {

    $topic = bb_get_topic_from_uri( $url );

    $url = str_replace( $bb->uri . ‘faq’, $bb->uri . get_forum( $topic->forum_id )->forum_slug, $url );


    Note: set $match->fid!=5 the forum_id of the corresponding forum and replace 'faq' with the slug of the corresponding forum.



    Hello I have the same problem with the sitemap plugins as OreilleMalade.

    As far as I understand the code, the problem lies in the function:

    function discover_topics() {

    global $bbdb, $frequency, $priority;

    $topic_query = "SELECT t.topic_id AS tid, p.post_time AS tim, t.topic_posts AS nposts FROM $bbdb->posts p, $bbdb->topics t WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND post_status = 0 GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time";

    $matches = $bbdb->get_results($topic_query);

    if ($matches) {

    foreach($matches as $match) {

    $url = get_topic_link($match->tid);

    Here is the url generated every time like this:


    If we use nicerpermalinks than we have not the topic-directory in our url and the function get_topic_link gives us the url with the name of the first forum or a random forumname (didnĀ“t figured it out yet).


    but we have different forum_names now. If I understand the code right, we have to use now get_topic_nicer_link instead of get_topic_link.

    How to make it??

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