@Vayu: happy it worked 
@Moddey: your first try should have worked (look at Vayu’s solution). It’s normal that nothing changes if you edit the pot file: pot files are like “translation sources”, po files are the translated version in a human readable form, mo files are their machine-readable form. So tou should need only bbpress-da_DK.mo in your /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ directory.
Are you sure the file permissions are ok and the web server can read them?
Also looking for the solution, I resorted to reading the code and found it. Quick version: bbPress inherits WordPress’ locale string. Suppose it’s ‘it_IT’. Then you will have to put your language file in wp-content/languages/bbpress/bbpress-it_IT.mo 
In-depth version: in bbpress.php you can find the load_textdomain() function (line 524 ATM). There you can see it gets the WordPress locale, then uses it to compose the language filename in the $mofile variable. $mofile in our example case is set to ‘bbpress-it_IT.mo’, and this filename is looked for in the ‘wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-languages’ directory first (which, as index.php says, should not be used), and then in the ‘wp-content/languages/bbpress/’ directory. Just put it there named like we found before and you’re done.