=> Hello, we have identified it’s bbpress bug, So when user click on add new replay and forget to add post title, then it is not saving in database, and giving error.
=> While normally in WordPress, when we create new post and page, if we forget to add post title, then it automatically add title into that post.
Replay Add New: https://prnt.sc/DKkwONX0HsQN
Normal post (When title is not added): https://prnt.sc/_oEP2WsaezuL
Hello, yes i have added 20 more reviews from backend, and now issue is shifted on page 2, page 1,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 etc are working fine now.
Page 2 error: https://prnt.sc/6-Zcm9S6r-sN
Hello, Yes we have not issue before, also in frontend it is working fine.
Hello, main replay page is only not working, 2nd page reply and so on are working fine.
Replay main page: https://prnt.sc/8WAepLpj138A
Replay 2nd page: https://prnt.sc/bPs3WTaWDNSV
Note: I have resolved it by donwgrade ACF Pro plugin to lower version (6.0.5) for now.