in config.php try find this line “$bb->name = ‘New bbPress Site’;”
try like this
define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);
I dont know if this gonna fix ur problem.. but it seem u missing http for both “$bb->wp_home” and “$bb->wp_siteurl” Anyway, is it both ur wp db and bb db on the same db name?
Just login to your db using phpMyAdmin and delete all bbpress related database
I think it should start with “bb_”
Actually u can load bbpress into wordpress
I have tried it and it work perfectly.
if i not mistake line 20 should be this ..
$bb->name = ‘New bbPress Site’;
Try to make sure u write it correctly without leaving any syntax.
When u load wordpress function inside bbpress. U already integrate both design point and database point. You only need to add WP template tags inside bbpress template.