s010, I’m going to rephrase what you said. Let me know if this still looks correct. Also, your Step #2 has an error in the code writeup (placement of the end bracket).
1. Find and comment out the following code in bb-templates/topic.php to remove the call to topic_resolved.
<li id="resolution-flipper"><?php _e('This topic is') ?> <?php topic_resolved(); ?></li>
Like this:
<!--<li id="resolution-flipper"><?php _e('This topic is') ?> <?php topic_resolved(); ?></li>-->
2. Add the following code to bb-includes/functions.php to overwrite the get_views functionality (don’t remove the get_views, just add this code anywhere on functions.php).
function my_no_support_views($views) {
return array_diff($views, array('unresolved' => __('Unresolved topics')));
add_filter('bb_views', 'my_no_support_views');