Chris Ostmo (@appideasdotcom)

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  • @appideasdotcom


    Thank you for your time and input. It is very much appreciated!

    As a very long-time WordPress developer, I can state with confidence that a function that returns trashed posts by default is abnormal and unexpected, and not having a way to override such behavior is practically unheard-of in well-used, public plugins. I can’t think of another example.

    I’ve made attempts in the past to gain employment from WordPress/Automattic because of issues like this that I’d really like to dig into, not to mention some pieces of Jetpack that I’d love to tweak. I haven’t had any luck getting a response from them through their very odd job application process.

    That trac link you provided is probably the link I needed when I posted here instead. Thanks again.



    Is that relevant? This is in custom child theme code. When I call bbp_get_all_child_ids() from code, either:
    1) I should not get ‘trash’ posts, or
    2) There needs to be a way to override post status for the query

    I haven’t traced the code through, but the ‘_bbp_total_topic_count’ post meta is getting decreased when the post is trashed. What’s visible and the count of what’s visible should definitely agree with each other.

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