airdrawndagger (@airdrawndagger)

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  • @airdrawndagger


    Ok, so answered my own question in the last post. Just had to go through everything step by step and see what collides and adjust accordingly. No, however, I need help with something else regarding this! I need to add a link to my forum profile edit to my loginanywhere script. It works at the bbpress site but then I switch over to the blog and it says profile_tab_link is an undefined function. Maybe there’s even another way to link to the profile edit? Please help!



    I tried just copy-pasting my kakumei css to my wordpress css and while the structure of bbpress got back to normal with some minor quirks, it majorly disrupted my header and footer and with it my wordpress as well. How would I work around this, any other way then going through the stylesheets and changing everything so nothing’s colliding? I feel that’s A LOT of work.

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