_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • _ck_


    I dug around on your forum until I found your test post.

    Apparently something is yanking out object tags.

    There might be a third party plugin that’s interfering with it and adding the filters back in.

    I have to think about how to handle that situation… not sure if it’s even possible… I gotta figure out what’s happening in more detail somehow.



    Just tested a youtube embed copied right from their site and it works tested in IE and Firefox.

    I don’t use the default bbpress template however, I wonder if that is affecting it somehow.

    Are you using the updated v0.02 that I posted, not v0.01 ?

    If it still doesn’t work, can you view source on the outputed page and copy just the part with that one post with full html here (between code tags obviously) so I can see what it is doing?



    Hmm, the adding and removing of slashes may be messing with things. I’ll have to test it some more. I know it works for any regular html tags.



    Minor change to force autop to run even with the removed filters

    (so admins still get paragraph formatting).



    Okay I finally sat down and wrote it myself.


    Didn’t realise how easy it would be or I would have done it sooner.



    Default bbpress cookie is one week.

    My cheap plugin to make it one year:






    I bet they mean like in wordpress where the cookie will be set for a year instead of a week?

    What’s the bbpress cookie default, I’ll have to go look at the code.

    I get around this problem by forcing the wp login from everywhere.

    There was another request for this feature here:


    In reply to: rebuilding topics DB



    Yeah I was just being quick and lazy. I guess I could fetch the proper table prefix and make it work for anyone.

    Just shared it in the hope someone more skilled would make a more professional function.

    Without much more work, it could be made to rebuild the entire topics table from scratch using all the posts table data (well except for the topic title which apparently is not stored anywhere else? Would it have been too much to have varchar post_title in there for eventual ability to allow post replies to change the title without a plugin/extra table?)

    It also would allow the “real delete” ability several people have been asking for.



    I’ve yet to see forum software that makes it hard for members to use/post?

    My problem is not really spam but a bunch of pre-teens running around and posting massive, rapid, rabid chats with each other like it’s a chat room. bbPress completely lacks any management tools to deal with that. If you ban them, they can re-register with a different nickname in less than 30 seconds. If you ban their ip, they just use a randomizing proxy.

    On my wordpress side I have it completely programmed with stop-words, how fast each member can post and decent moderation tools. But the forum, which from the start needs those abilities the most, does not have them.



    Well akismet support can be added to virtually any forum or blog software so that’s not really a claim to fame. I tried installing the moderate posts plugin but it’s not working right and preventing all posts from being displayed.

    There’s also no way to tie any kind of “bad words” list into auto-moderation, and then how do you find any list of moderated posts? Sigh. All of this is already in wordpress so it’s really strange to me it’s not in bbpress by default.

    Well I’ll stop here and won’t tie up this particular topic with this further since you can’t move individual posts to other/new topics with bbpress (another missing moderation need).



    Ah thanks Trent, I thought I saw that list weeks ago but couldn’t find it again.

    I’m still not convinced bbpress’s “selling point” is speed or management as other forums seem just as lightweight and definitely more robust. But the biggest problem on any large forum is the sheer number of people doing searches at any given time.

    BBpress kinda cheats in this regard (keeping search overhead down) as it tries to enforce tags over searches (I’m not a big believer in user submitted tags when you have a lack of quality control over your members) and it’s search feature is so poor that no one will seriously use it right now (it cannot find whole words, limit by member, limit by forum, limit by subject, etc. etc. etc.)

    To me, I thought bbpress’s benefit was WP integration and I was familiar with the functions used after months of hacking wordpress. Wasn’t convinced the wordpress forum plugins were going to keep evolving or be flexible enough.

    I guess my problem is jumping in too soon, waited a year to add a forum to let projects like this mature but it’s still a bit early. By the winter the forum I setup should be as big as technorati – it definitely needs better management features.

    The advanced moderation and spam protection features of bbPress save the WP mod team tons of time.

    What advanced moderation features? Am I missing something? You have to actually go into each topic, go to each post and manually moderate. It kinda blows me away that there’s nowhere in the bbpress admin panel to see the last 50 posts like in wordpress. I’m coding the feature for myself right now…



    Wait, there are numerous people installing bbpress as their only website program without having WP installed? Why? It’s such an early, early beta and has virtually no administration features. Any mature forum program can blow it away right now. Are they masacists or just running really tiny, micro forums?

    Just out of curiosity, what are the largest known bbpress forums, other than the wordpress site and here? I suspect the forum I’ve integrated is probably in the top 10 since it has over 100 daily active users (with 800+ registered from the wordpress config).

    In reply to: rebuilding topics DB



    tested working – at least for my setup:

    function rebuild_topics() {
    global $bbdb;
    // currently only rebuilds last post pointers, last poster name, last poster id, last topic post date
    // todo: rebuild entire topics table
    // warnings: hard coded for WP user table - backup your DB before using
    // run the built-in post/topic recount first

    echo "t<br>n";
    if ( $topics = (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT topic_id,post_id,poster_id,post_time FROM <code>bb_posts</code> a WHERE post_position=(SELECT MAX(post_position) FROM <code>bb_posts</code> WHERE topic_id=a.topic_id) AND post_status = '0' GROUP BY topic_id ") ) :
    echo "tt" . __('Calculating last posters for each topic...') . "n";
    foreach ($topics as $t) {
    echo $t->topic_id."... ";
    $user_login=$bbdb->get_var("SELECT user_login FROM wp_users WHERE ID='$t->poster_id'");
    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->topics SET topic_time='$t->post_time',topic_last_poster= '$t->poster_id', topic_last_poster_name='$user_login', topic_last_post_id='$t->post_id' WHERE topic_id = '$t->topic_id'");
    echo "<br> tt" . __('Done calculating last posters.');

    In reply to: rebuilding topics DB



    BBpress has no mass search/delete feature, unlike several wordpress plugins that are available. Even the upcoming search feature that was posting on the blog doesn’t seem to have an “action” ability, just search, which doesn’t make sense, so maybe there will be more to it.

    Trying searching and deleting 50+ posts by hand, not worth it.

    Recount will only update counts, not pointers.

    I am just about finished with a new function to do this however.

    Right now it only updates the last poster id and name, the trickiest part was figuring out the proper mysql expression to grab the last item while grouping by topic_id. Took an hour of research.

    But in fact my routine could be extended further to rebuild the entire topics database from scratch if need be since all the data is in the posts and it’s just kept in the topics table for speed.

    I just find it surprising there isn’t such a routine already and I am hoping I am not duplicating efforts already done.



    Was there a ticket in trac already for this? Because I just added one.

    There are so many integration problems in bbpress that IMHO feature additions should be on hold until tighter integration is achieved. I can’t see a major userbase other than WP users for bbpress.

    In reply to: User Type problem



    This falls under the same problem of accidentally demoting yourself below keymaster to admin (some people try it to remove the somewhat silly title from displaying)

    two ways to fix it manually and get back keymaster status:

    the technical way:


    the easier way (but might reset other data, not certain)


    probably needs a scrap of javascript in there to throw up an alert to what you are about to do (demote a keymaster) is a very bad idea

    I guess I’ll try adding it to trac

    In reply to: Favourites



    Heh, thanks for the compliment but I am completely self-trained and rather unprofessional in my code (translation: I’d make a mess)

    I just seem to have a knack at code, I learn very quickly from examples and can figure out how to apply them. Also, exhaustive hours at hacking pre-2.0 wordpress taught me a lot.

    ps. what “serious” issues – I might have a go… maybe…



    Just an untested guess on my part but what you want is something like this?

    <a href="/forum/profile.php?id=<? echo $user_ID; ?>">your profile</a>



    Ah thanks Detective! One less function for me to research and develop (slowly and badly).

    I’ve got a tweaks.php plugin just full of these things.

    We need a sub-forum for “hacks and tweaks” !



    Yeah I’ve already hacked the core code to make it say “Track this topic in your forum favorites” to make it sound different than adding to your bookmarks which every site nags the visitors to do and so they ignore it.

    Too much hacking needed to change the term “favorites” everywhere unfortunately and it was the first thing I sadly had to touch the core for. After hacking up wordpress so much that I cannot easily upgrade it, I swore not to do that on BBpress, especially since it’s so early in alpha/beta

    It’s also going to be a problem eventually that a tracking level is not set for each “favorite”, so now they can only get every topic emailed, or none at all.

    When in doubt, study vbulletin as a model I suggest…

    In reply to: Favourites



    Here’s a function I whipped up to grab the number of users who call any particular topic a favorite.

    If you don’t send it a topic id, it return the currently displayed topic’s favorite count

    function get_topic_favorites_count( $topic_id=0) {
    global $bbdb, $topic;
    if (!$topic_id) $topic_id = (int) $topic->topic_id;
    return $bbdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$bbdb->usermeta." WHERE meta_key='bb_favorites' AND meta_value REGEXP ':<:".$topic_id.":>:'");

    use it this way:

    <? echo get_topic_favorites_count(); ?>

    within your topic.php template



    Not even a hint if it’s useful to certain kinds of forums?

    Does it deal with geo-location?

    Is it especially helpful for large/active forums?



    Well with wordpress, the override is right in the code but obviously to leave the bbpress core alone it would have to be a plugin. (Kinda wondering what all these plugins are doing to the supposedly high performance of BBpress).

    I’d like to see admin/mods have zero limits on what they put into their posts. So to write a plugin I need to find out how to check the user level, then figure out what filter to attach it to (probably pre_post)



    Wow this is a very serious issue – I couldn’t figure out why half my members could not log into the forum! Thought it was a cookie issue, but it was the space!

    I suggest this be moved to the integration section and highly recommend to everyone trying to merge BB with WP. I would never have spotted this if it had not been bumped by signpost (who’s code did not solve it unfortunately, I had to use the plugin)

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