_az_ (@_az_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_az_


    So, small update from me:

    Unfortunately other priorities came up with my client, so i don’t expect to be able to put much time into developing. This was decided this yesterday and i am still considering implementing the feature in my free time.



    There are many plugins that should do the trick.

    Just search for wp login redirect or maybe also add bbpress to the search terms.



    @siparker thanks for posting the link to the Permalinks with id plugin. I have looked into it and the logic for adding text to a permalink seems less complicated than the logic for replacing parts of the permalink.

    However, good news may be: it is possible that i will work on that feature for a client.

    Probably not the full scope of https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2258 but it may be a good start.

    If this is decided, then i’d like to propose its development on github as an public bbpress-plugin and i’d happily collaborate with other devs on the issue.



    Can you please provide more information how to use one of those two plugins to create a “default” structure in a sub-forum that is added manually at some point after installation?

    It seems those plugins are suitable for creating/importing backups of WordPress content from one instance to another.



    I think #2258 is pretty complex to implement but possible. Might take some days to do it i guess.

    Here is my workaround:

    in functions.php:

     * for nicer permalinks:
     * from: forums/forum/name -> to forum/name
     * also required rewrite rules below in myThemeName_addRewriteRules
    function myThemeName_bbp_get_forum_permalink_withoutRootSlug() {
    	return preg_replace( '/(' . bbp_get_root_slug() . '\/)/', '', bbp_get_forum_permalink()); 
    function myThemeName_addRewriteRules() {
    	 * add rewrite rules for bbpress
    	// use this to test instead of clicking Save Changes in Settings -> Permalinks
    	// global $wp_rewrite;
    	// $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();
    	add_rewrite_endpoint(get_option('_bbp_forum_slug'), EP_ROOT);
    	add_rewrite_rule('^'. get_option('_bbp_forum_slug') . '/(.*)?','index.php?post_type=forum&name=$matches[1]');
    add_action('init', 'myThemeName_addRewriteRules');

    Replacement in my custom loop-single-forum.php:
    <a href="<?php echo myThemeName_bbp_get_forum_permalink_withoutRootSlug(); ?>">

    Default bbpress templates use it at more places than my theme:

    Found 5 matches of bbp_(get_)?forum_permalink in 4 files.	
    		<a href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink(); ?>" class="bbp-forum-permalink">#<?php bbp_forum_id(); ?></a>      [position 18:18]	
    		<h3><?php _e( 'Forum: ', 'bbpress' ); ?><a href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink(); ?>"><?php bbp_forum_title(); ?></a></h3>      [position 26:58]	
    			<a href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ); ?>"><?php bbp_forum_title( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ); ?></a>      [position 41:19]	
    		<a class="bbp-forum-title" href="<?php bbp_forum_permalink(); ?>"><?php bbp_forum_title(); ?></a>      [position 32:42]	
    				<span class="bbp-topic-started-in"><?php printf( __( 'in: <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_forum_permalink( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ) ); ?></span>      [position 68:102]	

    Feel free to hit the Flattr Button on my page: az.zankapfel.org

    Update: Seems that the breadcrumbs need a hack too… 🙂



    Thanks for pointing that out. I think i should make more use of bbp_parse_args().

    bbp_create_initial_content() seems to be a good idea for deploying initial content, but i needed something more flexible, which can be used in the Dashboard. E.g. for deploying a default structure, given in said JSON File to a newly created Forum.



    In case anyone stumbles upon this.

    I wrote a plugin to generate topics and forums from a JSON File but it is still somehow specific to a certain project i am working on.

    The effort to make it more generic is not that huge, so drop me a line and i will consider doing that and release it on github.



    update: replace ‘include’ with ‘post__in’ and then its a loop just with super-stickies



    Guess it is only an issue, when autoload is not working as expected.



    Got it sorted out. Somehow my installation was missing the autoload column(?!) and by adding that i reduced the amount of queries.



    There is a function: bbp_get_super_stickies() which is used inside the function bbp_has_topics(). This function basically returns a list of Post IDs from the wp_options table from a row with the key: “_bbp_super_sticky_topics” or “_bbp_sticky_topics”

    So one approach could be: override default args

    bbp_has_topics(array('show_stickies' => false);

    Extra loop for stickys (not tested, just a sketch)

    $query = new WP_Query(array('inlucde' => bbp_get_super_stickies());

    Though i recommend looking into the function bbp_has_topics to be aware of all possible cases.

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