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Basic problems of a novice

  • @kanigerlandis


    Went to upgrade to current version bbPress. Got stuck at 2) Upload uncompressed files? To where, how? “cause then I visited URL and was not greeted by installer, so I guess I did not upload files correctly. It said to rename config.php to old and save, but then does not say what to do with it. I am getting horribly spammed. When I get moderate emails from WordPress, follow link, it will not accept my password to delete or mark as spam. So I want to install Bad Behavior. Can’t figure that one out either. I go to admin page and can’t admin anything. At this point I think I should just shut the blog down. Do you think there any hope?

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  • @chrishajer


    I think you need to solve one problem at a time.

    Is your forum installed now? If so, where? Please post the URL. One issue at a time. Nothing is hopeless.


    Member My last Harley was a ’91 Fat Boy.



    You mentioned WordPress administration? Where is the WordPress site? I didn’t see it here:



    Looks like you resolved these already, eh?

    > Went to upgrade to current version bbPress.

    > Got stuck at 2) Upload uncompressed files? To

    > where, how? “cause then I visited URL and was

    > not greeted by installer, so I guess I did not

    > upload files correctly. It said to rename

    > config.php to old and save, but then does not

    > say what to do with it.



    I believe not. I believe that I am running on the original WordPress that I installed in August but had moved out to the desktop before trying to install current upgrade on Friday. But there is no new WordPress in my application folder.



    So, what is your next question? Ask one question about your bbPress installation and we’ll work on that.

    If you would like to prevent spammer registrations, I would install the Human Test plugin by _ck_:

    If you would like to install Bad Behaviour, there was a How To posted a while back:

    And using the built in Akismet (plugin may need to be activated in your installation) will help as well.



    Ok- (Admin page, plug-ins says Akismet is off) First thing I need to know how to do is administer the page. Seems to me, doesn’t matter so much which version I am running just now. When I get an email notice of a comment, click the link to the page, am asked for User ID and Password, get incorrect Password message, change password, copy-paste new password or type new password, it will not accept. And I can’t figure out how to admin the blog from the bbpress page. How do I admin the forum?



    Are you talking about bbPress or WordPress? There is no email notification of comments in bbPress unless you set it up for email notification of your favorites. Did you do that, or are you talking about WordPress?

    It sounds like you’re talking about bbPress and WordPress, but they’re separate, and I can’t even see where you have WordPress installed?

    Are the emails coming from bbPress or WordPress, and what is the URL for moderation?



    WordPress- They say [Please Moderate]. Oh boy, am I confused. I have both folders. WP & bb press. When somebody posts to my forum, I get email from WordPress to please moderate. When I log in to admin, it says bbpress, but I cannot perform any functions from that page. When I answer email notices from WordPress, it will not accept a WordPress password. Boy, am I confused. The blog is bbpress but the emails come from WordPress.





    Sounds like you are using bbSync then, to create comments at WordPress when someone posts to the bbPress forum? I didn’t know bbSync worked like that, but it’s possible. So it sounds like someone posts in the forum, somehow that gets into WordPress, you get an email to moderate the comment, but you can’t log in to your WordPress admin panel?

    What version bbPress and WordPress are you using? It sounds like you have incompatible version installed and your WordPress admin login no longer works due to integration? What versions did you install? Sounds like bbPress – how about WordPress version?



    I was afraid you were going to ask that. I can’t tell if I DID upgrade to 2.6 or if it is what would have been the current version last August, 2008, when the forum was created.



    Is the WordPress site online somewhere, where these bbPress comments are being sent? If you did integrate a newer version of WordPress (2.6 or newer) with bbPress, that is the problem. There are significant changes between version 2.5.* and 2.6.* WordPress that make integration with specific versions of bbPress important:

    First post here:

    WordPress 2.6 came out July 15, 2008<a/>.



    Guess I have some work to do before our next conversation. Though it would seem I should be able to delete the spams through WordPress. I will post in forums there. Thank you so far.



    You will be able to delete spammy WordPress comments through the WordPress admin, but you can’t log in there. You need to reset your WordPress admin user password and undo the integration.

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