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Where is Dashboard?

  • @webismuk


    Hi All,

    Read the instructions and installed through wordpess.

    The options I have seem very limited and read about a BBPress Dashboard but cannot locate it.

    On WordPress I can see Forums/Topics/Replies and a few basic settins in Settings Forum.

    But nothing that seems to give you any degress of control.

    I have obviously missed something and from searches so have many people on the internet.

    I would like to install a set theme for the BBPress – I have created my-templates and added theme static-red I found. But cannot locate how to activate.

    I am sure it will be on the BBPress Dashboard (probably)

    Any pointers to its location and how to access it would be great.

    Or it maybe I have access to all the options and have just missed it.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • @jaredatch


    What version did you install?



    same here



    If you are are running bbPress 2.x and are trying to install a theme, there is a 95% chance it is for bbPress 1.x and won’t work.

    Double check that first.



    I don’t think it’s the theme you’re worried about, I think it’s the content. Which, won’t show up until there is some, just like your blog. :)

    Make some forums, then go to There they are.



    OK there must be some sort of backend system for bbpress

    All I can find is under my BuddyPress settings

    is Fourms Setup

    on that is just says

    bbPress forum integration in BuddyPress has been set up correctly. If you are having problems you can re-install

    There must be somewhere to edit fields, settings etc.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers



    Is there a seperate back end that I am missing?

    There must be options, I cannot think that bbpress is that primitive compared to all the other forum software I have seen.


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