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Just installed, can’t login, error with plugabble.php and bb-config.php

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  • @chrishajer


    Looks like your host has disabled a php function (getmypid) that bbpress needs. See this:



    I see, thanks. I didn’t understand how to correct the error. Is there any way to do it without asking the host to switch it on?



    Yes, you can make a modification to that file to work around the disabled function.

    getmypid() – often disabled on shared hosting systems

    Line 43 of bb-includes/class-phpass.php needs to be edited to get around this function being disabled on your host.



    Tried to replace getmypid() by uniqid(), but still have the same exact problem.

    My host says that getmypid is working. I built a php info file to check what modules were installed, and getmypid wasn’t there.



    > My host says that getmypid is working.

    > I built a php info file to check what modules

    > were installed, and getmypid wasn’t there.

    Well, one thing does not jive with the other. Either it’s enabled or it’s not. Do you have a choice between PHP4 and PHP5? Maybe they’re checking one version and you’re using another. If the web server uses PHP4 by default, but PHP5 is available, you can force PHP5 by adding this to the top of your .htaccess file:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    To check which version of PHP your pages are being served with, and to see if getmypid is disabled, save this into a file called info.php (or anything.php really):



    Then access that at your host, and see what it shows.



    I checked what version it is, and it’s PHP 5.2.

    Why doesn’t the other command used to replaced getmypid work?

    Thanks for the help again.



    Is uniqid there?



    No it is not. I’ll contact support once again. Thanks



    You need one of those functions to make this work. There are other ways to provide some randomness, but you need to know what functions the host allows.



    I have some tools via my dedicated server cPanel. Anyway I could set this up by myself?



    1. I would find out why the host has those functions disabled and ask if they will enable them.

    2. Using the phpinfo() you need to find a function that is available that will allow you to replace this function. You will need to do this in every place it occurs in the code.

    3. Or, you could consider a new host.



    1. They say it’s usually not enabled.

    2. Will do so, the file is located at Please do let me know which one would work for me.

    3. Have a contract with them. They say I can install the functions by myself, but I don’t know how to, and they will charge to do so for me, while I prefer not to pay.

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