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new forum for every post plugin ?

  • @hjertelandetdk


    I want to be able to make a forum for every blog post and use it in staed of the blog commenting system which is weirdly lacking for a blog-software system.

    There is a plugin that automatically makes a topic in a specific forum – but I need it to make a new forum.

    Of course I can alwaysuse a shortcode and make a new forum and include it in the blog post. But perhaps there is an automatized way, easier way.

    Why and what is the benefit of this ? Comments tend to be very unfocused and not very constructive. If you have to make a specific topic you have to focus and be more reflected when writing …

    Also I believe that John James Jacoby has thought about this ….

    Anyone who could and would do this ?

    Thanks, Jacob

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  • @dannyjimmy


    WHOA. Face melting idea.

    I could see it being good for blogs who post infrequently and get tons of traffic. Every post is so monumental it gets its own FORUM… this would be like… for the UN or the White House or something.

    I’m in jest — anyone who gets more than 100 comments per thread might want this; 10-20 responding topics with 5-10 comments each…

    I hear you… comments/replies can be spammy and dumb dumb… but, I mean, here’s the thing:

    Once a user creates a topic, then all the conversation that follows in that forum will be, likewise, comments/replies. I.e. similarly unfocused and not very constructive. So I’m not sure that what you’re proposing solves the problem you’re presenting.

    Also, forum topics are easier to skim the entire content of, forums not so much. And people want to skim blog comments.

    That being said, I’m still smiling thinking about how epic it might be to spawn entire forums from single blog posts. (though I can’t claim I’d use the plugin if it were made)




    hi dannyjimmy.

    The point was more to find some kind of way between blogcommenting that many times becomes such a stupid form of intellectual exchange, because it has become custom to not really think about what you want to bring attention to. Cheering, fanclubbing, “yeah i think so too” mixed in with people trying to decipher the thoughts revealed in an article, newspost, blog post or whatever. By making them type in a title and making and independent “in its own right”-kinda-style – they will be forced to be more focused and people considering responding will have to choose which comment to comment on – which again will make it more focused – because one thinks – why would I respond to this ?

    But, seriously – this is awesome: Note the thing with marking a part of the text and it automatically becomes a topic separate from the comments – that is seriously good !

    And besides using posts 2 posts plugin by scribu you can get some of the way – by making a forum quickly when making a post – check it out:

    It is a matter of convenience because you can just make a forum and then include by shortcode. Alternatively one could display the category-text that belongs to the forum while listing the topics belonging to it. That is using the category as an aricle in its own right and somehow displaying it when listing the topics.

    But thanks.



    I guess using topic tags instead of forums would be a better idea performance-wise. The topic slug can be the tag slug and it could be automatically attached via a shortcode.



    Hi, Gautam.

    Could you write a couple of more lines – Im not sure I understand. But actually, That would a bit like hypercomments – If one could only make topics as comments and then the topics up for discussion would be fetched back by shortcode. Are you thinking about the way wordpress supportforums are working now ?






    Would there be any issues with just creating topics and not posts?

    Style the first reply as a blog post and then have the rest of the replies inside the forum style? You could then remove the base of the forum and have the links from your root domain.

    I am probably overlooking something big though.



    Lynq and Jaredatch

    I think you’re missing his point. He wants an entire forum. Yes a FORUM, not just a topic, created for each post.

    An entire bbPress forum.

    So that people, within it, can create multiple topics for each blog post.


    Although Lynq, I have to say, your profile pic is super fun/cute and romantic. (granted, I don’t know which half of that you are… i’m guessing the non-upside down one.)




    1. When creating a post or page I create a relation to a topic-tag, and then use that topic-tag as a “forum” and linking/fetching it on thepost or page itself. Is that what you are saying ? So how could I create a relation from post/page to topic-tag when posting ? Could there be a way to enable topic-tags for the standard post-type perhaps so a meta-box would occur beneath the standard post tag ? Or should I just create another custom taxonomy ?

    It is a very good solution, Gautam. Beautiful and simple. Thank you.


    Yes, I know. Thanks.


    That is an alternative solution, but as pointed out not what I am looking for.

    @To the thread

    Just to make it clear – I dont want an entire bbpress-installation for every post or page. But some kind of automation, so I would not have to insert a forum manually by shortcode. It is just another way of commenting more focused like in the bottom of when you are iewing a book for example.

    It is not a big problem as such. But it is obvious to replace the wordpress-comment system which is totally hopeless and lacking for a blogging platform. It is amazing that wordpress doesnt have any creative thoughts on commenting. WordPress should have invented disqus – not disqus. Disqus is really useful – but disqus takes control from you. P2 has some, sure.

    Thanks for any input,




    So just to clarify, you want a whole forum for each post, not a topic for each post?

    @dannyjimmy lol, thanks! Yes I am the non upside down one :p





    What about putting your post in the forum description area?

    Then styling the forum description as a full post and positioning it above the forum header. By using some clever position:relative and position:absolute you could achieve what you are looking for.

    This would mean removing the base url for forums and using the forums as a way of publishing your posts.

    The big issue with this is of course the compatibility with plugins that attach themselves to post actions.

    Other than that I would think it requires creating a very custom plugin.




    Been there done that thought. But as you rightly point out – I want everything or most to be done via the standard post type. Right now I can simply creta a new forum by typing in the title of the post and the forum is automaticlly pulled in by the plugin Posts 2 Posts by scribu. So actually all I need is to fetch the topics from tht specific forum that I have also created a relation to. So we are almost there.

    Have you seen ? Another benefit is that comments can be made vailable to the public – whereas forum topics are restricted to members.

    And as anpother pointer – see

    Which is this piece of supercool software:

    But thanks again Lynq.



    So all you need to do at the moment is have something like:

    a custom page metabox for the post which saves the forum id after it has been created by the Posts 2 Posts plugin.

    Then in your single.php file you can use the bbPress functions to retrieve the relevant topics for the forum id assigned to that post.

    if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'post_parent' => $postmeta["forum_id"] ) ) )
    bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'topics' );



    @Lynq. Thanks again. But it doesnt cut it. But almost – i tried putting it in my post.php and it doesnt care about the postmeta thing – it just pulls in all the latest topics. I will try some more.

    I have been working around it and noticed that when converting from forum topic to post – then the topic and reply simply got the post or page as parent – so perhaps it is already possible to have topics for posts in stead of forum ? More than one that is – because bbpress for topics already allows for one topic only per post.

    Does anyone know if it is already possible within the system itself ? That it just has to be enable somehow ? Or is it just in the planning ?





    @Lynq and @at my previous post.

    Sorry – I forgot the custom metabox – perhaps because I dont know how to do it ? So I didnt follow through – do you know how to make that connection to the forum_id by custom metabox ?

    But it pulls in the topics – nice and fast. Its just every topic.

    Sorry again.



    if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'post_parent' => $postmeta["forum_id"] ) ) )
    bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'topics' );

    You see the part about $postmeta["forum_id"] you need to grab the post meta data with <?php $meta_values = get_post_meta($post_id, $key, $single); ?>

    Then once you have all the post meta data in an array you can grab the forum ID and put it in the arguments.



    I am too stupid.

    I put in the meta-values php and then the other snippet – but same happens. It shows all topics and doesnt respect the connection.



    If you var_dump your $postmeta['forum_id'] does it contain a value?



    Did you get this to work? I’m looking for the same thing in order to integrate wp courseware with bbpress and create discussions on each course unit.

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