Sounds like you have the mobile browser agent stuff figured out with the Tera-WURFL library. So, when you detect a mobile browser, you want to display your forum using the1col_fixed theme? Looks like it checks for a match to a mobile browser like this:
$matched = $wurflObj->getDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
// see if this client is on a wireless device (or if they can't be identified)
if(!$matched || !$wurflObj->getDeviceCapability("is_wireless_device")){
echo "<h2>You should not be here</h2>";
So, instead of the <h2> message they are displaying, you could use a theme switcher plugin to set the theme and direct someone to that URL. How about something like this:
That plugin says it uses cookies to persist the theme choice.
If you don’t want to use a MySql you can use “Apache Mobile Filter”.
More info:
Hi ,
I’m Idel Fuschini, I have published the new version of Apache Mobile Filter.
The module detects the mobile device and passes the WURFL capabilities on to the other web application as environment variables. It can also be used to resize images on the fly to adapt to the screen size of the mobile device.
Read more info here:
Another way of detecting whether the device is mobile or not is detectFree
all you need is a small Javascript to each site.
or you can use Movila Detection proxy which is also free.
Hope this helps.
we use to detect the device and other details. Having said that, i would be interested to hear about other providers out there.
@ifuschini that’s very nice, but unfortunately, i think most webmasters don’t have access to their httpd.conf file (that’s including me)
chandersbs. You have right, but you can ask to install it in you virtual host.
Another info, from 07th Octorber 2009 the Apache Mobile Filter has include in Apache Module Registry: