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610 mysql query in front-page…

  • @meitershaker



    i have a serious bug: when i’m not login, i have 610 mysql query, and there is a one query repeat:

    # 416 : 0.0004 seconds

    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_meta WHERE object_type = 'bb_topic' AND object_id = 37 /* bb_append_meta */

    # 417 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_id = 37 AND topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN (10)

    # 418 : 0.0004 seconds

    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_meta WHERE object_type = ‘bb_topic’ AND object_id = 37 /* bb_append_meta */

    # 419 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_id = 37 AND topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN (10)

    # 420 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_meta WHERE object_type = ‘bb_topic’ AND object_id = 37 /* bb_append_meta */

    # 421 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_id = 37 AND topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN (10)

    # 422 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_meta WHERE object_type = ‘bb_topic’ AND object_id = 37 /* bb_append_meta */

    # 423 : 0.0005 seconds

    SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_id = 37 AND topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN (10)


    when i’m login at admin, i have no this!!

    i use mini track, bb_topic_wiews, bb_benchmark and topic_icons plugin

    please help me

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  • @meitershaker


    i think there is a serious bug in all pages of bbpress 1.0 trunk, because i have the same effect in a fresh install…

    i don’t understand the number of query, why when i’m not login, there is over 100 query?




    This is why it’s called an alpha.

    There are bugs, some serious.

    So far I’ve seen a forum query bug and a tag query bug but not a topic query bug, so that’s a new one.

    Make sure you update bb-topic-views which had a query bug too. In fact you should de-activate your plugins and see if the query problem persists before we blame it on bbPress.



    i have found the bad plugin : hidden forums by you ck :p

    why your plugin do that?




    Hidden Forums has not been tested yet again 1.0 alpha.

    I simply don’t have time to modify every plugin for all the changes.

    This is why people should not use the alpha yet for regular sites.

    Update: I’m unable to reproduce your problem however.

    I have no extra queries with using Hidden Forums on the 1.0 trunk. Are you using the Alpha from the download on, or are you using the SVN trunk?



    i use the svn trunk



    Well it works for me.

    Show me your configuration inside hidden-forums.php and how many forums do you have?

    Are those queries happening on the front-page, forum-page or topic-page?



    $hidden_forums=array(10); // hide these forums, list by comma seperated number

    $hidden_forums=array(‘keymaster’,’administrator’,’moderator’); // these roles can always see ALL forums regardless

    $hidden_forums[500]=array(‘administrator’,’moderator’); // exact formal role name, *not* ability

    $hidden_forums[501]=array(‘administrator’,’moderator’); // exact formal role name, *not* ability

    $hidden_forums=array(1); // these users can always see ALL forums regardless

    $hidden_forums[500]=array(5432,7654); // list of users by number

    $hidden_forums[501]=array(5432,7654); // list of users by number

    $hidden_forums=””; // text, html, css or image to indicate hidden forums/topics, make it =””; if you don’t want any label at all



    Okay I’ve figured out why it happens.

    It’s a very serious flaw in how the new 1.0 db caching system works. Apparently they now suddenly base everything about the WHERE clause. If the clause is slightly different for any two queries, it doesn’t use the cache and instead does it a direct db query. It’s stupid.

    There is absolutely no way I can fix it in the plugin, it has to be fixed inside bbPress 1.0 and I am not sure if or when they will bother.



    Update: okay I have a work around.

    Look for 0.0.3 within the hour.

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