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Only admin can login?

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  • @chrishajer


    Do you have any plugins installed? If so, try disabling them and see if users can log in.

    You’re running a modified template. If so, try the default template, unmodified, and see if the problem goes away.

    Do you have access to server logs? If so, look for 500 errors being logged or php errors.

    UPDATE: I just created a user and I see what’s happening. Not a blank screen, they’re just redirected to the login screen to log in again. Try a stock template and try disabling plugins.

    Also, there’s a lot of javascript on that page. Does disabling those scripts affect anything?



    Ok I switched the theme back to standard, but still have the problem. None of the extra javascript is being loaded with this theme either, so it rules that out.

    My bbpress is installed in my wordpress folder (in ‘forum’ subdirectory), but I haven’t configured anything in bbpress admin – settings – wordpress integration… I didn’t think it was necessary as wordpress only needs one admin user. Could this be the problem?

    I should add that my bbpress config.php is using require_once to call in wp-blog-header.php. This lets bbpress load the wordpress functions so I can use the wordpress header/footer in my theme. Perhaps this is causing a conflicting cookie or something?

    It just seems weird that bbpress lets me login as admin no problem?!




    Someone just posted this:

    Sounds like the same problem?



    Yep that’s exactly the same problem…



    I think I’ve fixed it – fully ‘integrated’ bbpress and wp for cookie sharing AND user database. Now it’s using the wp tables for user data, and is giving out the correct cookie… and all users can login :)

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