I’ll let mdawaffe know as he controls access to that SVN repository.
The SVN repository is already managed by the WP localization team that do the same fot bbpress, cause I’m the one that havs commit access and i was in hospital i want’s ablet o upload the updated version that will be revised soon and committed to SVN.
on entrans.wordpress-it.it (in futuro entrans.bbpress.it as iI said to Matt during Milan WordCamp there will be a collaborative translation for all the automattic products.
Addendum: The SVN for .pot file is poorly updated, actually there is not the 0.9.2 tag yet. and trunk get updated usually only in a month or less. On WP SVN the pot generatios is fully automatic adn during beta and RC it’s updated more than one time per day during busy day.
Would be nice having this on bbPress too, I usully sync it_IT WP trunk to dev trunk once per week having every time few strings to update/translate, thats’ much better than having hundreds strings like in the last 0.9.2
i’ve downloaded the pot file for branches 0.9 and translated this file.
the trunk are update but this localization is for the latest bbpresss release.
i’ve tested with a 0.9.2 installation.
I know.. the same that i did… but on WP SVN tags are update and all is correctly structured, it’s true that there is Nicolay that care for I18N etc quite all the time, here peopel are.. “multitasking” 
Arturo would you like to collaborate to the upcoming bbpress.it site that is going to start in the next months or so? If so, mail me.
Nikolay graciously offered to handle the bbPress pot generation as he does for WordPress. For the past several months, trunk has been automatically upgraded every day.
It seems as though branches and tags has fallen behind. I’ll ask him to see if there’s any bugs anywhere.