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bbPress 0.219 and WordPress 2.51

  • @benjeewest


    Hi folks, there seem to be many people out there having similar issues, but I’ve spent all evening looking through for a solution and still no luck.

    I’m trying to do a full integration of bbPress 0.219 and WordPress 2.51, full integration meaning that bbPress should load WordPress functions and vice versa.

    WordPress appears to be playing very nicely and loading bbPress template tags with no problems at all. I’ve done this using

    //BBPress Integration

    if ( !defined('BBDB_NAME') )


    at the very end of my wp-config.php file, as per the tutorial at . As I say, no problem so far.

    It’s when I try to load WP functions into bbPress that I run into trouble. When I’ve attempted either of the following two mods to bb-config.php, it has disabled user login, as well as blocking me from /bb-admin (which re-directs straight back to home). The two mods to bb-config.php I have tried are:

    // WordPress Integration //

    define('WP_BB', true);

    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');


    // **Wordpress Variables ** //

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // your wordpress db prefix is

    $bb->wp_home = 'http://localhost/bloomag';

    $bb->wp_siteurl = 'http://localhost/bloomag';

    or simply

    require_once( 'C:testingserverwwwbloomagwp-blog-header.php');

    With both these mods, the bbPress page loads up with no problems but, as I say, both /bb-admin and any attempt to log-in give no response and just redirect to the hompage.

    Has anyone got any suggestions for what might be going wrong and the correct method to call WP functions into bbPress?

    Thanks a lot,


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