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bbpress/wp user table problems

  • @philgreen


    I used to run a blog using blogger called that had various contributors. I wanted a forum, so I used bbpress and set up I liked the interface and having more control etc, so I switched from blogger to wordpress.

    Then, I tried to integrate wp and bbpress. It worked okay, but what I think happened was that user numbers from WP were used to assign posts and info to users on BBpress. If you see from this thread:

    There is a post (2nd post on page) from a girl named Phoebe, but the post is attributed to Jake. Can I reassign posts, or should I just erase all the posts and start over?

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  • @_ck_


    It seems fixed now but almost sounds like you are running separate user tables when they should both be pointing to the user table in WordPress? Are you certain you have the correct setup in bbPress pointing to WordPress?

    And I assume that’s WP 2.5 with bbPress 0.9?

    ps. be sure to check out the alternative Kakumei Blue theme (in bbPress 0.9) to match your WP’s blue colors…



    It’s not fixed, cause most of the posts are unattributed and the rest are attributed to the wrong person. That thread is where it’s most obvious. What happened was that all the users from BBpress were erased and replaced with the users from WP, some of whom have the same names.

    Is there a way to manually reassign authorship of posts?

    I’m going to switch it now to the blue theme though, thanks for the advice.

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