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An old config.php file has been detected in your installation.

  • I am installing an new bbpress forum and the following error happended.

    ‘An old config.php file has been detected in your installation. You should remove it and run the installer again. You can use the same database connection details if you do.’

    How can I resolve it?

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  • Please!

    Sam Bauers


    The installer will throw that error if it finds a file called config.php in either the bbPress directory or the directory above it (i.e. the parent directory that the bbPress directory is in)

    Make sure there is no config.php file in either location.

    this is kind of annoying, and i don’t see any reason for it. i have my forums at /forums but i keep a config.php file in / that contains other config settings for my site. just because i have a config.php in / should not stop /forums/bb-config.php from working..



    If you have a config.php file in an directory above it, temporarily rename that config.php to x_config.php or some other name. Now complete the bbPress installation and then again rename x_config.php to config.php.

    That solved my issue.

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