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Change throttle. Also, is it based on username or IP?

  • How do I change the throttle limit; what files or db fields? Also, is it based on username or IP? Thanks.

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  • _ck_


    The throttle is right in each user’s profile page.

    It’s based on username.

    If you want to tinker with increasing it, try this plugin I whipped up to avoid core hacks:

    function post_regulation($text) {
    global $bb_current_user;
    $wait=45; // seconds between posts

    if (isset($bb_current_user->data->last_posted) && time() < ($bb_current_user->data->last_posted + $wait) && !bb_current_user_can('throttle'))
    bb_die(__('Slow down; you are posting too often.'));

    if (strlen(trim($text))<10)
    bb_die(__('Your post is too short, please say something meaningful!'));

    if (strlen($text)>2500)
    bb_die(__('Your post is too long!'));

    return $text;
    add_filter('pre_post', 'post_regulation');

    In theory it would be possible to hack that further to regulate based on IP by doing a mysql query for the last post time that has the current user’s IP.

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