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Integration with wp theme

  • Ricsca2


    I don’t understand how it is possible that bbpress in 2024 does not inherit the theme style! Buddypress inherits the theme style so it is even more absurd that bbpress does not inherit it.
    Here we are not talking about new features but simply an obvious thing that should have by default.

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  • Robin W


    basic economics –

    You using bbpress generates no income for anyone.

    bbpress is a wordpress product, so someone has to sponsor a coder to code stuff, ie someone has to pay for this, and unless there is a reason for this, it doesn’t happen.



    According to this reasoning wordpress should not exist then.
    Here I am not asking for customizations to bbpress. simply that bbpress inherits the theme style, that is, inherits the font size. Buddypress does this so it is absurd that bbpress does not do it.

    Robin W


    not quite, WordPress exists because Automatic who own WordPress run which as a hoster generates income which helps pay for WordPress development. Other contributors to WordPress include wordfence who make money from selling protection to companies.

    bbpress has no sponsors at the moment



    bbpress is the official wordpress plugin and is the one used on as well as being used by thousands of sites.
    I’m talking about inheriting at least the font size of the theme in which it is used, nothing exceptional…

    Robin W


    I’m as frustrated as you are by a lack of development, I’m only trying to explain why it is not happening, I’m not trying to say that I agree with it.

    And as far as I can see WordPress views it only as needing development as far as it is the support tool for them.

    I’m just a guy sat in his kitchen, trying to keep this product alive



    But here we are not talking about adding new functions to bbpress …. simply that bbpress inherits the style of the theme used as all other plugins do. Now I do not know how to program but I do not think it is a complicated modification / update to do. How is it possible that a component that has more than 100,000 active installations and that is the component used to support which has millions of threads and posts, in 2024 is considered a plugin of little value and with hundreds of wordpress employees does not do this small update.

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