if you wanted to automatically create a topic with say ‘Wednesday@ in the title, yes it is possible but beyond free help.
You would need to create a cron task that would fire daily to create the topic with whatever heading and content you wanted.
If you wanted to manually create a topic which would appear the next day, then in
dashboard>topics>add new you would edit ‘publish immediately’ to set the date and time.
You could use this to once a week manually create say 7 topics with publish dates set for each day of the week, and they would appear automatically each day.
ho installato WP Control, come imposto che devo far creare un nuovo topic con un nome specifico che incrementa per ogni giorno?
Giornata 20/09/2023
Giornata 21/09/2023
Giornata 22/09/2023
e così vià..
per ogni forum?
Attendo Vostre,
Distinti Saluti
As I said ‘yes it is possible but beyond free help.’
Va benissimo, non è un problema, quanto costa?
ho mandato un email lo stesso giorno, ancora nessuna risposta.
Attendo sue
it was the weekend, I am one person who needs to spend time with my family 🙂
I will respond in the next day or so.
Ci mancherebbe, sono d’accordissimo 🙂