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This may be a ridiculous newbie question but…

  • Steve Manes


    I’m confused. Does BBPress get its CSS and template support from the active WordPress theme or are there optional plug-in themes one can install that only apply to styling your BBPress implementation?

    I’ve been asked to add forums to an existing Elementor-built site running the Astra Pro theme which apparently has no support for BBPress. Because the web site is already built, approved by the bosses and currently live I can’t change the WordPress theme. But the default styling in BBPress doesn’t work for them either (we have an approved font family, size, color, etc too).

    I’m fairly adept with CSS and WordPress but I’d rather use a design by someone who actually knows the software. That, and I’m a bit graphically challenged.

    I noticed that there’s a dropdown for “Forum Theme Packages” in Forum settings and was hoping that such BBPress-specific child theme plug-ins exist which allow WordPress to use another parent theme. Do such plug-ins exist and is there a repository of them somewhere on the net?

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  • Robin W


    bbp style pack

    will let you style bbpress, and has integration for the Astra theme

    Steve Manes


    One thing I noticed as I was using CSS to re-style BBPress is that the CSS classes don’t carry over to individual discussions. That is, if I create a bunch of class overrides for the main page, in my test case /alpha-site, they go away under /forums/topic/. In Inspector it looks like the page defaults back to bbpress.min.css, overriding those class overrides.

    Any way around this?

    Robin W


    that should work, do you have other bbppres related plugins that might be reloading this?

    Steve Manes


    No, it’s a WP 6.3.1 site I built specifically to test BBPress. It’s mostly just Elementor and Astra (Pros), the Classic Editor, Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO and BBPress. It’s behavior I haven’t seen with CSS overrides in WordPress before.

    As you can see, the class specifies Roboto for the breadcrumb but it’s showing a serif font, even in the sample rollover in Inspector’s Styles window. The class works fine from the parent page but not in /forums/topic/

    Screen cap

    Robin W


    image/link didn’t work

    Steve Manes


    BBPress w/Inspector

    I’m guessing this forum software doesn’t like Dropbox image links.

    Robin W


    you can add a url to the link

    Steve Manes


    Robin W


    ok, so can you tell me what specific setting in bbp style pack is not being carried over

    Steve Manes


    I wasn’t referring to bbs style pack but to global CSS overrides in BBPress.

    Robin W


    ‘global CSS overrides in BBPress.’ – sorry can you explain what you mean by that?

    Steve Manes


    Using globally-scoped CSS to style elements and override classes in WordPress, like the garden-variety style.css. It has nothing to do with bbstyle.


    #bbpress-forums {
    font-size: 14px !important;
    font-weight: 500 !important;
    font-family: Roboto !important;
    .bbpress-wrapper {
    font-size: 14px !important;
    font-weight: 500 !important;
    font-family: Roboto !important;
    .bbp-breadcrumb, .bbp-breadcrumb-home {
    font-size: 14px !important;
    font-family: Roboto !important;
    .bbp-topic-permalink {
    font-size: 15px !important;
    font-weight: 500 !important;
    .bbp-header, .bbp-reply-author {
    background-color: #F8AA3C !important;
    font-size: 16px !important;
    font-family: Roboto !important;

    Robin W


    so your code shows

    .bbp-breadcrumb, .bbp-breadcrumb-home {
    font-size: 14px !important;
    font-family: Roboto !important;

    and your image shows this being the setting, so I am confused as to what is not working?

    I am not doubting that you are seeing an issue, this is just me getting to understand the issue.

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