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BBpress forum subscription default setting

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  • @robin-w


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Management

    and activate

    From that screen you can set up new users to be subscribed

    and from

    dashboard>forums>all forums>and for each forum click subscriptions and you can subscribe all then current users to that forum in a couple of clicks. Repeat for all current forums



    Thanks alot Robin!

    I added your plugin to my site. I activated it and set the forums to be subscribed for the new users.
    I tried to click subscriptions for the current users in dashboard>forums>all forums> for each forum but could not find the action “subscriptions”, I only see “modify” and “put to trash” as options.

    Can you tell me more ?



    do you have subscriptions enabled in

    dashboard>settings>forums ?



    Yes, they are enabled.

    I found the way to enable the subscription to a chosen forum for all users by going to forums>all forums, and then select ‘les abonnements’ (the subscriptions) in the chosen forum then using ‘subscribe selected users’ and apply for each page listing the users (by the way, there are 29 pages in my site, it would be nice to be able to select them all at once…).
    It is great! I am glad I could do it.

    I tried to do the same by choosing several forums for one user. But it didn’t work. The subscription is not applied.
    It also doesn’t work with a subject for one user.
    And as far as I have seen, the setting I chose by default for the new users is not effectiv. The users do not have any subscription preselected.

    Can you help me with this ?



    I tried to do the same by choosing several forums for one user. But it didn’t work. The subscription is not applied.

    can you describe exactly what you did, starting with




    There it is:

    for the user:
    dashboard>users>all users, and then select ‘les abonnements’ (the subscriptions) for the chosen user then select option ‘subscribe selected forums’ and apply

    and for the subject:
    dashboard>subjects>all subjects, and then select ‘les abonnements’ (the subscriptions) for the chosen subject then select option ‘subscribe selected users’ and apply

    and for the setting by default I followed your instructions. I selected the folder “gestion de l’abonnement’ (subscription management), then I selected ‘activate’ and chose the forums to be subscribed by default. Then I ‘registered’ the modifications

    Sadly none of the 3 actions worked. It only worked with the setting of forum subscription for several users



    ok, so if you go to

    dashboard>subjects>all subjects, and then select ‘les abonnements’ (the subscriptions) for the chosen subject then select option ‘subscribe selected users’ and apply

    are they then showing as ‘sucbribed’ and this in not working, or does the subssribed/unsubscribed not change ?



    The subscribed/unsubscribed doesn’t change



    ok, I cannot replicate that issue.

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back



    I activated health check plugin and selected twentytwenty as theme
    I activated bbpress
    Then I went to Dashboard>subjets>all subjects and selected ‘les abonnements’ in the first subject.
    Then I selected the first user to ‘subscribe selected users’ and apply : it worked ok, the subscription button turned on.

    Then I went to Dashboard>users>all users and selected ‘les abonnements’ in the first user.
    Then I selected the first forum to ‘subscribe selected forums’ and apply : it didn’t work.

    Any other clue ?
    And thank you for your time!



    I am not sure it is related, but now, nobody receives email notification anymore. The subscription simply doen’t work.

    And also, the admin account does not receive the message for newly created accounts any more.

    Could there be a connection with the extensions I added ?

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