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Quote Function and See Only Author Function

  • dasword


    I’m here for looking 2 functionalities for bbpress. First of them is quote, it is quite common function I think, if you click the quote function under the reply, it will copy the whole thing of the reply and paste in your textarea, this make people easy to deal with complicated answer sometimes. Second is see only author function, my blog subscribers very like to create long story(novel) in the forum under a topic, but they will split those stories into many chapters as update, for example, one of them post one chapter once a week, when he posted a chapter, there are many comments. I would like a function that can filter specific user reply under a topic, so reader can see the full story more clearly. Is there anywhere to add these 2 functions to bbpress forum? Either Plugin or filter hook code or other codes, thx for helping.

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  • Robin W


    a quote function is in

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>quotes



    Thanks, how about see only author function (specific user reply filter), my blog subscribers very like to create long story(novel) in the forum under a topic, but they will split those stories into many chapters as update, for example, one of them post one chapter once a week, when he posted a chapter, there are many comments. I would like a function that can filter specific user reply under a topic, so reader can see the full story more clearly. Is there anywhere to add these this function to bbpress forum? Either Plugin or filter hook code or other codes, cherish your replies.

    Robin W


    so is each chapter a topic, or the first chapter a topic and then each chapter a reply?

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